#13 He gets jealous when other guys check you out...

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MICHAEL: ”I hate coming to the beach.” Your boyfriend mutters, as he puts a big towel down on the sand for both of you to share.

"You hate it because you know the sun is bound to hit your precious flesh." You tease him, as he takes a seat while you undress. You take your cover up off, and Michael’s eyes bulge, "What’re you wearing? Where do you think we are, our bedroom? Shit (Y/N), cover up." 

"It’s just a bikini Michael, get over it. It’s nearly a hundred degrees out. Now, help me put lotion on?" You sit between his legs, as you feel the cold substance rubbing against your back, down to your waist.

He groans, “You know, I wouldn’t have to do this if you just wore my sweater.”

"You make being with me sound like an annoying chore." You mumble, loud enough for him to hear. You roll your eyes, tears streaming down your cheeks as you quickly get on your feet, making your way to the shore. 

All you wanted to do was have a nice day at the beach with your boyfriend. You wore the bikini to try to get a rise in him, not to make him mad. Lately, things haven’t been good between the two of you (intimate-wise), being that you rarely made love anymore. You were either too tired from your new job, or he was in the studio. 

You wanted to spark a fire inside him; make him want you all over again.

"Holy shit, look at what we have here." Your thoughts are broken when a teenage boy approaches you, startling you. He’s smiling, staring at you up and down, biting back his lip, "You know, that suit looks mighty nice on…I can only imagine what it looks like off."

The blood rushes to your cheeks in alarm as the stranger outstretches his hand, ready to tug on the back of your bikini top to rip it off. But before he can get close enough, you see Michael’s fist wrapped around his hand, pushing his body further from you. 

Michael is crushing the teenagers hand, and he’s gasping uncontrollably.

"Michael that’s enough, stop it." You say, as your boyfriend sighs, letting him go with a bruised wrist, "Now, let’s see him try to touch you or any other TAKEN girl on this beach."

"You don’t even deserve that man." He spits at Michael, but you hold your boyfriends hands, pulling him into your arms to calm him down. 

Out of nowhere, you feel Michael put a little space between you two, only to smash his lips against yours. He’s running his hands all over you; from your back, down to your hips.

He knows that everyone is watching you, including the little prick who tried touching you. 

Michael is gripping you needily, sliding his tongue into your mouth. Usually he would be in alarm when the water hits his feet, but he only pulls you closer, groaning against your lips. He bites down on your bottom lip roughly, nawing at your flesh. You moan into the deep kiss, as he rests his hands on either side of your hips.

"The asshole was right about one thing." Michael says, leaving you breathless. 

"What was he right about?" You ask, resting your head on your boyfriends shoulder as the waves crash against your feet. 

"I don’t deserve you. But, I must’ve done something right in my life to have you. You’re everything to me, (Y/N). I’m sorry about before. I was just thinking about all the guys who would look at you. I don’t know what I’d do without you, I don’t know where I’d be. You’re not just another person, you’re everything to me. I’m sorry (Y/N), I love you with all my heart." 

LUKE: "I hate this store." He complains, as you groan, "Luke, please…just for once in your life pretend you enjoy spending time with your fiance." 

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