#19 When the boys make fun of your southern accent...(Cashton)

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Ashton: You and your boyfriend were sitting beside each other around a campfire. The boys had all decided to start a fire and make s’mores on the beach outside of their hotel for the night. You and Ashton were off in your own world while he places little kisses on your lips and over to your ear. You smile, feeling his hand cup your cheek and bring your ear closer to his lips, “(Y/N)…meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.” You cheeks blush as your heart skips a few beats. 

"I’ve got a few jokes for the lovebirds!" Calums voice breaks a moment between the two of you, as you see him scrolling through his phone. 

"Here’s a good one for (Y/N). I mean, besides that southern accent she’s got there, this joke is pretty funny." You smile, knowing it’s only a joke. When you’re around the boys, you feel as though you’re one of them and you don’t mind it. 

"Hey (Y/N), I hear you’re a farmers daughter and that you can’t keep your calves together." You can feel Ashton’s hand tense in your grip, but you laugh it off, "It’s fine Ash, it’s just a joke."

"See Calum, I can tell you a joke too. Last night I talked with your girlfriend, and you know what she told me?" All the boys are looking at you, as you smile, never breaking your gaze with Calum, "She tells me that your lovemaking is like going to the dentist…sit back, relax…you won’t feel a thing!" 

All the boys “Oh!” really loud, and Ashton smiles, kissing your lips, “This is why I love my girlfriend, she always has a comeback under her sleeve.” 

CALUM: Your boyfriend is holding your hand, playing with your fingers as Michael drives by each exit to pick up Ashton. Luke is tapping his fingers on his knees in the passenger seat before turning on the radio, the music echoing lowly in the car. You start to sing along, until Luke cuts the radio and you’re left alone to your singing. You quickly shut your mouth, your cheeks blushing as Luke scoffs, “Holy shit, (Y/N) you sound like a hick when you sing.” Calum is about to defend you, when you cut in, “I’m sorry you hear like an asshole.” 

You see Michael’s jaw drop and look at you in the mirror, holding up a hand, “Put it there, that was a good one!” You slap Michael’s hand, and all the boys laugh, as Luke begins to get defensive, “You know (Y/N), I don’t know what your problem is, but I’ll bet it’s hard to pronounce.” Calum sighs, “Come on man, stop it.” You kiss Calum’s lips lightly, reassuring him that Luke’s joking banter isn’t phasing you. The boys look at Luke, and when he’s about to open his mouth to say something else, you interrupt, “Save your breath Luke, you’ll need it to blow up your date tonight.” 

Calum kisses your lips, his smile against your cheeks. He’s laughing hysterically against your skin, as Michael is red in the face. Luke sighs, and holds out his hand to you, “I’m sorry I made fun of your accent. You win, the blow up doll was the clincher.” 

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