#54 You tell him you're pregnant

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Luke: “That is probably the cutest baby ever,” Luke states, pointing to the baby on the lotion commercial. “Will there ever be another baby that cute? No,” Luke says to himself. You feel a pang of guilt and absentmindedly touch your stomach. You knew you had to tell him soon, but you were afraid of how he’d react. “Y/n?” Luke says, waving a hand in front of your face. “What?” You ask, your attention back on Luke. “You okay?” He asks, looking at you anxiously. “Oh, uh, ya fine,” you say with a forced smile. “You sure?” He asks slowly, looking you over. His eyes fall on your hand on your stomach and you remove it quickly. “Luke,” you sigh, turning towards him and taking both of his hands in yours. “You’re scaring me, Y/n,” he says with a nervous laugh. “Luke,” you repeat, taking a deep breath and shutting your eyes. “I’m pregnant,” you say, opening your eyes to see his reaction. “You’re..” He begins to repeat, a look of confusion on his face. “You’re pregnant?” You nod slowly. You’re taken by surprise when Luke starts to laugh. “You’re pregnant!” He says louder. “You’re gonna have a baby! We’re gonna have a baby!” He cups your face and kisses you before turning his attention to your stomach. “Hi, baby!” He says near your stomach. “This is Luke, but you’re gonna call me Dad!”

Calum: You walk into the bedroom to see Calum looking at you anxiously. You know that your wide smile gives away the answer, because Calum grins broadly back. “You’re - ?” He doesn’t finish his question, but you know what he’s saying and nod, unable to speak. Calum runs toward you, lifting you up in a tight hug and twirling you around. “I’m gonna be a dad!” He shouts, placing you gently on your feet again. “You are!” You laugh, smiling up at him. “And you’re gonna be the best mom ever,” he says, pecking your lips. “I hope so,” you sigh, looking down at your stomach. “I know so,” he states, tilting your chin up so you look into his eyes. You kiss him again and giggle when his hands touch your stomach. “There’s a baby in there,” he whispers, shaking his head in disbelief. “Our baby!”

Michael: You sit at dinner and push your food around your plate, too nervous to eat. “You haven’t eaten anything,” Michael points out as he shovels food into his mouth. “Oh,” you notice vaguely, “sorry.” “You don’t like it?” Michael asks, frowning. “We can order something else,” he offers. “No it’s not that,” you say quickly, “I’m just not hungry.” “Okay,” Michael says, unconvinced. “Michael,” you sigh. He looks up at you, his face full of concern. “Don’t be mad, okay?” You whisper, not being able to speak any louder. He doesn’t answer, but you continue anyway. “Michael I - I’m pregnant.” He drops his fork, his jaw falling open. “Say something,” you say after an unbearable silence. “How - ?” He begins weakly. You shrug, looking down at the table. “It’s mine?” He asks quietly. “Of course,” you say quickly, offended that he would think you cheated. “And you wanna keep it?” He asks even quieter. “Of - of course,” you say, nodding confidently. “Then okay,” he says, his voice shaky, “We’re gonna need to get a bigger apartment.” 

Ashton: “Hey,” Ashton greets you, shaking your hand and sitting across from you in the coffee shop. “Hi,” you say weakly. “So, uh, not to be rude but why did you need to see me?” Ashton asks. You take a deep breath and begin, “I know we broke up a few months ago, which is why this was really hard for me to do, but we dated for a long time before that and so I thought you deserved to know.” “If you’re seeing someone else that’s fine, y/n,” Ashton says with a laugh, “I am too.” “It’s not that,” you say quickly, feeling a twinge of jealousy and wishing he hadn’t told you that. “It’s - well, I don’t wanna force anything on you,” you say, trying to find the best way to put the news, “And the amount you want to be involved is completely up to you - if you wanna be involved at all if not that’s alright I mean I understand and -”  ”Y/n,” he interrupts, “What are you saying?” “Well, you see, I - I’m pregnant,” you say finally. Ashton nods slowly, eyes wide. “But like I said you don’t have to be involved at all if you don’t want to,” You rush on, “I just thought you should know in case you decided you did, but that was stupid and you have a new girlfriend and I don’t wanna complicate things so just forget I mentioned it.” “I lied,” Ashton says, “I thought you had a new boyfriend and I was jealous, but I’m not seeing anyone else. I still love you.” It was your turn to look shocked and his to explain. “And if you’d have me I want you back - you and our baby.” You nod slowly, too shocked to speak. 

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