#6 when you're on your period Cashton/4

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"I really don’t feel well." You complain; Calum’s reckless driving also not helping the queasy feeling in your stomach. 

"Once I put the heating pad on your back you slept like a baby last night. It’s probably just nerves sweetheart." Cal suggests, speeding through every red light to get you to your midterm in Psychology on time. 

"It’s everything. My head, my back, my stomach…so stop trying to make me feel like I don’t know what I’m feeling." You hiss under your breath, becoming impatient with Calum’s positive attitude. You clench your eyes tightly and whimper, tears forming in your eyes.

"I’m sorry baby, I just want you to do well on your exam." He makes a sharp turn and your head jerks a bit. Vomit is creeping up your throat as you grab onto Calum’s wrist which is gripping the wheel tightly, and warn, "Pull over, I’m going to throw up. Pull over. Now." 

Cal attempts to slow down, but doesn’t succeed as much as he wishes he did. By the time the car comes to a stop, Cal’s guitar and guitar bag is covered in your soup Calum fed you last night to help your cramping stomach. 

"Oh baby." He sighs, and you wipe the side of your mouth, your head feeling heavy. Tears burn your cheeks, knowing you just ruined your boyfriends favorite guitar. You open your door, trying to air out the car.

"I-I’m so sorry." Your hands shake as Calum smiles, rubbing your back, "I’m not mad (Y/N), you’re on your period and you don’t feel well. I’m sorry I drove like that. I guess I deserved this." 

"Come here." Cal gestures, and you shake your head, "I smell like throw up, no." 

"I don’t care, come here." Calum grips you by the waist, and hugs you closely. He hands you a piece of gum, and you begin to chew it slowly. You sigh in satisfaction, that awful taste leaving your mouth. 

"Don’t worry about your exam, I’ll take you to the class after your break and explain what happened. Just relax in my arms for a little bit, I know you’re tired and nauseous." You close your heavy eyelids, and rest against Cal’s shoulder. He rubs his hand along your hips, knowing that’s where you’re always in pain when it’s this time of the month.

"I love you." He whispers, kissing your nose cutely. You "hm" under your breath, exhaustion coming over you.

"When I look at the world and there’s so much pain and anger, mistakes and failures, I just look at the sky and think God’s still good because he gave me someone like you that tells me, "Angels are still around". "


Your heart raced as Ashton pushed you against your apartment wall, kissing down from your jaw line to your collarbone. You moan helplessly under his warm, gentle yet rough touch. 

His hands slide down to your butt, and cup it roughly. He groans against your ear, while nibbling on the lobe. Ash’s lanky hands lifted you up into the air, causing you to squeal in surprise as he carried you up the steps to the bed you two share.

He placed you down on the bed in a heated passion, ready to take you right then and there. That’s when you remember; grabbing his hand, you looked into his eyes and stopped him from going any further, “I-I can’t babe, I’m sorry I completely forgot I’m on my…you know what.”

"Oh, well that’s okay. That doesn’t mean you can’t use your mouth." Ash says, starting to unbutton his jeans and you look at him, "You’re an asshole, you know that?"

"What? (Y/N)? What’d I do wrong? I just thought you were in the moment too and-." You cut him off, "Well you thought wrong."

"Go get your dick sucked by someone else." You mumble, kicking him out of the bedroom. You cuddle into the bed, and tears stream down your cheeks. You felt so used; he didn’t ask to buy you ice cream, or rub your back…he just suggested you get on your knees and do your "job". 

Your heart sank into your chest, as you heard a small knock on the door, “Babe? Baby, please let me in.”

You roll your eyes, “It’s open.” 

Ashton reappears in your blurry vision from your tears with a bucket of ice cream, a big spoon, your favorite movie, and an apologetic look in his eyes. 

"I’m sorry for thinking with my dick. I’m so, so sorry. Please forgive me and let me give you cuddles?" He pleads, with a soft look in his eyes.

The rest of the night is filled with you two spooning, smiling, and laughing together. You never get to watch the movie, because you’re too captivated by Ashton’s sweet voice. His arm is resting over your waist, his fingertips brushing against your tummy, as he kisses your lips lovingly. 

"Ya know, (Y/N)…someone told me there is no such thing as magic. I never believed in that until I saw your smile and felt your touch. Then I realized you’re the only magical thing on earth who could turn this world into Paradise.”

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