#51 Silent treatment

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Ashton: You sat resolutely, arms crossed defiantly over your chest, determined to make Ashton suffer through the silence. At first he had pretended to ignore you as well, but he was getting bored quickly and craved the giggles that usually erupted from your mouth when the two of you were together. So now he was on a mission to make you laugh.

“Hey (Y/N),” He started, kneeling in front of you on the couch, his large hands spanning over your knees. You offered him no reply, so he continued. “Why couldn’t the art dealer pay his bills?” No comment. “Because he didn’t have any Monet,” he erupted into a fit of giggles but you pursed your lips, holding back the smile that was about to form on the edge of your mouth. The pun was stupid, but Ashton’s giggle was so infectious, it was hard not to laugh along with him.

“Hey baby, why can’t you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the p is silent!” he giggled further, leaning in to you and shaking your knees as you bit your lip, desperately trying to hold in the laugh that wanted to come up after Ashton’s antics. He tried one last time.

“How do you catch a bra?” he asked, his dimple grin showing on his face as he chuckled before he had even made the punch line. “With a booby trap!” he burst into giggles and this time you couldn’t help but let the laugh you had been holding in come out. He straightened up immediately, gasping at the sound you had made as you attempted to act like the laugh hadn’t come up, your lips pressed together.

“You laughed!” he declared and you rolled your eyes, giving up on the silence.

“Your puns suck,” you chuckled and Ashton just smiled, happy with his success in making you speak once more.  

Calum: It had started out as a prank. You had been bored all day waiting for Calum so when he burst through the door, bubbly from the work the boys had done today, you wanted a little fun.

“Hey (Y/N),” he said, plopping on the couch next to you and immediately pulling you into his embrace but you didn’t do anything, didn’t even hug him back even though you usually enjoyed his hugs more than anything. He pulled away, his dark eyebrows furrowing to form a crease in between them.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, clearly concerned and you didn’t say anything. You wouldn’t even look at him because you knew if you did you would burst out into giggles. Deep breath. “Did I do something wrong?” Calum corrected, trying to move to look you in the eyes but you continually turned your face away, taking deep breaths in to keep the giggles that were forming in your stomach inside. There was a moment of silence.

“So you’re not even going to tell me, you’re just going to be mad for no damn reason?” he demanded, his voice rising ever so slightly as he pulled away from you, slapping his hands to his knees in annoyance. You pursed your lips together. Don’t break yet. “You’re being childish,” Calum spat, rising off the couch and stalking away from you but the tone in his voice told you it was time to give up.

“Oh my gosh, Calum it was just a joke,” you called lightheartedly, shooting off the couch and reaching out for his arm but even with your grip on his bicep, he wouldn’t face you.

“I know,” he said, turning around to greet you with a wide smile. “Mine was too,” your eyes widened as you realized what he had just done and you tried to hit him but he caught your hands, pulling you into his embrace as the both of you laughed.

 Michael: “No come on you stupid piece of shit!” Michael screamed at the TV, completely oblivious to the fact that you were sitting next to him in complete silence. You think he would have noticed considering how vocal you normally were when playing video games but all that was heard was Michael’s insistent yelling.

“Hey (Y/N), why are you being so quiet?” he observed suddenly, pausing his game to turn to you and you almost spoke, simply because of how shocked you were that he even spoke to you after ignoring you all day. You pressed your lips together though, determined to make Michael suffer. After all, here he was after a massive fight, acting like nothing had happened at all. You turned back to the book rested against your knees and he furrowed his eyebrows at you.

“Are you ignoring me?” he questioned. The only thing he got in response was the crinkle of the book as you turned to the next page. “You’re not still mad are you?” he crawled across the couch, pulling the book out of your hands and trying to get you to look at him but you looked resolutely in the other direction.

“Please don’t be mad at me. I’m really sorry. I know we had a fight but it’s better now right?” he pleaded with you, holding onto your wrists because you wouldn’t link your fingers with his. “Baby please. Please just let me hear your voice again,”

“You didn’t seem to mind the silence before,” you shot at him but he gasped, ignoring your comment because you had spoken.

“You talked to me!” he exclaimed, chuckling in celebration and you rolled your eyes, ready to forgive him.

“You’re still an ass,” you murmured, pouting and turning away from him.

“I know I am. I’m really sorry (Y/N),” he chuckled, reaching out to pull you into his embrace and you allowed it, wanting the petty argument to be over.

“I love you Clifford,” you chuckled as you settled into his lap, preparing to return to normalcy and scream at the TV with him.

“Love you too bub,” he pecked your cheek quickly before returning to his game, this time with your shouts accompanying his.

Luke: You knew that the silent treatment was childish but hey, you had every right to be pissed off. Luke had forgotten your birthday for fuck’s sake. And yeah he was busy with the band and stuff but when he had called you to say goodnight he hadn’t said anything about it. Of course you knew he hadn’t done it on purpose but you wanted a little time to be petty about it. The silent treatment it was.

You figured he had realized his mistake the next day because you had awoken to multitudes of missed calls and text messages, all Luke begging you to call him and forgive him. You knew you would give up eventually and forgive him but right now you were just so bitter about the whole thing. So for the whole day you refused to take his calls or answer his messages.

However, that night was one with an arranged Skype date and, because you got so little time to see Luke when he was away, you knew you would take advantage of it. Thus you ended up in front of your computer that evening, sitting resolutely, crossing your arms, attempting a pissed off face and answering Luke’s incoming call.

“Oh thank god you picked up,” he sighed in relief when your face appeared on the screen. You gave a careless shrug. “Please (Y/N) I know I fucked up. I forgot your birthday and I’m a shit boyfriend. But please, please let me make it up to you somehow,” he begged. You pursed your lips for another moment, feeling your resolve break at the desperate look on Luke’s face.

“Babe?” he asked and you sighed.

“You’re not a shit boyfriend Luke,” you murmured.

“Oh thank god you’re talking to me again,” he breathed out, following his words up with a relieved chuckle. “I thought you hated me,”

“I don’t hate you. I was just sad is all,” you whispered, looking down at your lap to watch your fingers fiddle together.

“I know. I know and I’m really sorry. But I think I’ve got a present that will make it up a little,” he started, his lip tucked underneath his upper teeth, and you looked up to see an excited glint in his eye.


“I’m coming to visit you next week,”

Needless to say, he made up for forgetting your birthday.

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