#12 When he finds out his daughter/son has condoms....

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CALUM: "Let me get this straight…he asked you to buy condoms for him, and you just…bought them? Why didn’t he come to me?" Your husband asks, biting back his bottom lip as you wash the dishes.

You feel your husbands head resting on your right shoulder, kissing your neck. You can tell he’s upset, as you turn around, and kiss his lips. You rest your hands on his shoulders, and say, “Go talk to him, Calum. He’s not our little baby anymore, he’s 18 and has been with his girlfriend for over two years now. He’s growing up whether we like it or not, please…talk to him.” 

Cal hugs you tightly, and nibbles your earlobe teasingly. He whispers against your ear, “You know (Y/N), it was your beauty that captured my attention, but it’s your personality that captured my heart.”

"You’re not getting any tonight Calum, don’t try to kiss ass." You whisper, and he sighs, "Why do we have that ten day rule anyways?"

As he’s walking up the steps, you call back, “So you long for me!” 

When a few minutes go by, your curiosity gets the best of you. You quietly make your way to your sons room. You peak through the slit in the door, and hear your husband giving advice, “Your mom told me about the condoms bud. I’m not here to ask why you didn’t ask me, but I’m glad that you know to be careful. I know you’re eighteen, but just make sure she’s ready too. Don’t push her, and if she says no, or pushes you away in any way, you stop. You got that?” 

Brandon-your son- nods, as Calum continues, “If there’s any sign of rejection you have to quickly accept it, okay? Your mother and I had many times where we thought we were ready, until it gets to that very moment…and she realizes she wasn’t. Don’t take it to heart, because it’s a lot for a woman to give herself to you. When she does that, she gives you everything. Her heart, her soul, and her body. I was stopped plenty of times with your mother, and we watched a movie together. But let me tell you something, don’t be disappointed or upset…I wasn’t because just spending time with your mom was a dream come true. Be patient kiddo, and everything else will follow.” 

ASHTON: "I’ll get the dirty clothes in Lil’s room honey, I don’t want you stressing." My husband says, patting my back lightly when I’m picking up dirty laundry. 

"You shouldn’t be bending, (Y/N). I’m serious, please, it’s worrying me. Sit on the couch downstairs and I’ll put the wash on." He kisses your lips softly, his hand skimming your pregnant belly, and laughing, breaking the kiss.

"This little guy is a kicker, huh?" He asks, and you nod, "All day, everyday. Thank you babe, I’ll be downstairs."

When you finally get in a comfortable position on the couch, you hear a loud scream from upstairs. You jolt, your heart racing as you see a trail of clothes on the steps and Ashton standing in front of you, a box of condoms in hand and his knuckles white from clenching the cardboard so roughly.

"I haven’t bought condoms since we got pregnant, (Y/N). WHO THE HELL IS GIVING OUR BABY CONDOMS?" He yells, pacing the floor, "It’s Aunt Barbara..she always gives me the stink eye at Christmas. Or Uncle Jim, he’s technically a pedophile-." 

You cut your nervous husband off, “Lily bought the condoms herself, Ash. We had a very long conversation together about her and Brad. She knows what she’s doing, honey.”

"YOU GAVE HER PERMISSION TO…TO GET LAID? What’s wrong with you? SHE’S OUR DAUGHTER FOR CHRIST SAKE!" He shouts, and I shake my head back and forth, "She’s nineteen Ash, she’s been with Brad since freshman year of high school."

"I knew I should’ve bought that chastity belt off eBay when she hit puberty." Ashton mumbles, and you stare at him in shock.

"What? It’s true. She grew up way too fast and I’m not ready for her to have sex." He whispers, tears in his eyes. He takes a seat next to you, looking defeated. 

You rub his shoulders soothingly, kissing his lips and his neck. He leans his head on your shoulder, his tears burning your skin, “My little girl is all grown up.”

When the front door opens, Ashton jumps to his feet and Lily nearly falls over when her father grips her by the shoulders, asking, “ARE YOU STILL A VIRGIN? PLEASE TELL ME HE DIDN’T TAKE YOUR FLOWER AWAY.” 

"Dad, relax, I’m still a virgin. Mom, you promised you wouldn’t tell him." Your daughter flashes you a begging glare, and you sigh, "I’m sorry sweetheart, he found the box in your room." 

"Dad, I’m sorry you had to find out the way. But you know I won’t do anything I’m not ready for." She reassures him, and you smile proudly at your daughter.

Ashton relaxes when Lily kisses her fathers cheek and whispers in his hear, “Don’t worry dad, I may find a prince someday, but you’ll always be my king. I love you.” 

LUKE: Luke is kissing your lips, pecking them constantly, making you laugh into his mouth. His tongue slips into your mouth, grazing against your teeth. The two of you try to fit in a few intimate moments before your daughter gets home from school, but unfortunately, the front door jolts open, causing Luke to jump off of you.

"Hey honey, how was school?" He asks, fixing his jeans.

"It was terrible. I hate school. Senior year is supposed to be easy, I feel like I’m trapped in hell." She mumbled, throwing her open bag on the floor.

A box of condoms tumbles out by Luke’s feet, and silence falls upon the family.

"You’ve got five seconds to explain to me why a bunch of extra large cherry flavored condoms just fell on my feet out of my seventeen year old daughters bag." Luke speaks sternly, using his "father" voice.

Before Chloe can respond, he says, “I want you to give me a name, and an address.” 

Luke grabs his bat from when he plays ball with his band on the weekends in the mens league. He’s gripping the bat tightly, giving Chloe a glare. Your daughter flashes you a begging look, and you put your hands on Luke’s tense shoulders, getting him to lower the bat.

"Come on sweetheart, relax." You say to Luke, and he scoffs, "I’m just about three seconds from smashing a little assholes head in. Chloe, speak up, now. Name and address."

"No one is bashing anyones head in. Chloe, tell your father the truth. Please, before he does something stupid." You say, as your daughter swallows a lump in her throat, "I’ve been thinking about having sex with my boyfriend."

"Thomas?" Luke asks, and she nods.

Without even listening to what she has to say, you watch your husband grab his keys and head for the door. You jump in front of him, pointing a stern finger at him, “Don’t you dare, Luke. Don’t. You. Dare.”

"(Y/N), get out of my way. I just want to have a talk with the sex fiend…trying to convince my daughter to-." Chloe cuts Luke off, "Dad, stop! Please."

Tears are in her eyes as she begins to sob, “I-I’m in love with him, Dad. The condoms are just for protection if we decide to…if we’re ready.” 

"I’m sorry Chloe, I didn’t mean to make you cry." You watch Luke take your guys’ daughter into his arms, and hug her tightly. He holds her, gripping onto her body like she was about to take her last breath. 

"I won’t hurt him, but if he hurts you all the boys and I will-." He stops himself short, "I’ll leave that to us to deal with. But honey, I just…you’re my little girl in my eyes, still. I’ll protect you like I protected your mother. I kept her away from assholes and I’ll do the same for you. Loving your mother is like heaven on Earth, and whoever you decide to…give yourself away to, you have to make sure he’s the one. Okay? Please."

There’s a pleading look in his eye, as Chloe smiles, “I may outgrow your lap dad, but never your heart.”

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