He Thinks You're Cheating - Luke Hemmings Imagine

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About a week ago you decided to visit Luke while he was working on recording the album. Although it was nice to see him, it really wasn’t all that great of a decision. He was very busy, as this was his career. He was so busy that you barely got to see him, he’d constantly be in the studio or doing interviews. The first day that you were there Luke was too busy to take you out to dinner so Ashton offered. Ashton was always very kind to you. He was one of those people who hoped that no one ever felt left out or alone so he would make an effort to be friendly towards everyone. It was a nice dinner, not exactly what you had planned, but Ashton was a great friend. You spent the night alone, laying on the couch in your hotel room while watching tv. Eventually you fell asleep, but you woke up when you heard the door close. You had no idea what time it was, but you decided to remain on the couch. Luke must not have noticed that you were awake. He turned off the tv and then turned towards you and scooped you up in his arms. Careful not to wake you, he walked towards the bed and put you down gently. He then got in bed himself and pulled the duvet over both of you. When you woke up the next morning Luke was already getting dressed and ready to leave for the day. He noticed that you had woken up and turned towards you. “I’ve gotta go, early morning recording session. I’m so sorry! I’ll take you out to dinner tomorrow, I promise”. He kissed you lightly and then left. You fell asleep again and woke up later to your phone ringing. It was Ashton, you answered it. He had a late recording session tonight so he was wondering if you wanted to go shopping before it since you were alone. You agreed and spent a lovely day at a few stores, buying a few clothes and even getting some fashion advice from Ashton. When you returned to your hotel room Luke was still gone. You sighed as you realized this was probably going to be a repeat of last night. This wasn’t what you intended, you had barely seen Luke the whole time you were there. About an hour later Luke came in the door, he quickly greeted you and then headed to bed. Crossing your arms, you tried not to let yourself become too upset but you couldn’t stop a few tears from leaving your eyes. You knew he wasn’t trying to ignore you but you just wanted so badly to spend time with him. That’s the whole reason you were here! You laid your head down and fell asleep on the couch. When you woke in the morning you saw Luke heading for the door. “Don’t forget about our-” you were going to remind him of your dinner plans for tonight but you stopped once you noticed his headphones were in, blasting music into his ears. The door slammed shut as you laid back down, anger now growing inside you. If Luke wasn’t even going to talk to you, what was the point of being here? You weren’t going to let him ruin your night again. Calling Ashton, you made plans to go out with him tonight so you wouldn’t be alone again. Ashton agreed and you were happy that you would finally be able to spend the night out instead of being cooped up in the hotel room. Once the night time rolled around you got ready to go out and Ashton stopped by your room to leave. You spent the night at a club, a few girls had began flirting with Ashton but you still had a good time. He made sure that you made it back to your hotel room safely and you thanked him for the night. When you walked into your hotel room Luke was sitting on the couch, he was sitting on the edge of the seat, his elbows propped on his knees and his head in his hands. He looked up when he saw you walk in and he stood up immediately. “Where the hell have you been? I called your phone only to realize you had left it here” he said, angrily. “Luke, I-” you began. “You were with Ashton, weren’t you?” he accused. “Well, yea-” you tried to explain. “I knew it, I fucking knew it. Is this what your whole time here was supposed to be about? Cheating on me with my best friend and band mate? And right in front of me too, oh my god. I wondered why you slept on the couch last night and then I waited for you because I thought we were gonna go to dinner tonight and when you weren’t here I just knew” He began to ramble. “Luke, listen to me” you placed your hands on his cheeks and forced him to look you in the eyes. “I’m not cheating on you. Ashton has just been offering to hang out with me because you’ve always been busy. I’ve been stuck in the hotel room doing nothing. He just felt bad for me is all. I would never do that, Luke. I slept on the couch last night because I was upset. You barely said anything to me, but I know you’re tired. You’ve been working hard” You said, brushing his cheeks lightly with your thumbs so he would calm down. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I just thought maybe you got tired of me. I promise we’ll spend more time together. I have the next two days off, we’ll spend them together” He promised, pulling you against him. You kissed his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck, “I love you”. “I love you so much” he hummed against your lips. He moved his mouth ghostly across your neck and up to your ear where he whispered, “You look amazing in that dress and if Ashton looked at you for even a second I swear I’ll fucking kill him”. Luke spun the two of you around and you giggled as he began walking you back to the bed. 

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