#3 Mobbed

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LUKE- “Y/N.” Luke whined, dragging out the last syllable of my name. “I’m bored.”

I laughed and kissed his cheek as we walked into a store in the mall we had been at all day. Luke, understandably, had gotten bored about 3 stores ago.

“One more store and then we can go back to the bus and cuddle, I promise.” I assured him. He sighed, but followed me as I shopped around, buying clothes. I heard a group of girls giggle and both of us whipped around to see them with their phones out and smiles on their faces. Luke sighed and kissed the top of my head.

“Be right back, babe.” He said before going over and taking photos with the girls.

They left, and Luke hooked arms with me.

“Ready to leave?” I asked. He nodded and we started walking towards the exit of the mall, stopping to grab coffee at Starbucks. When we got to the exit, we noticed a group of fans outside the mall. I gulped and Luke sighed, pulling me close to his side.

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “Those fans must have tweeted out where I was.”

“It’s okay.” I replied. “Let’s go.”

As soon as we stepped outside, the fans surrounded us, and they were packed so close to us, that we couldn’t even move. Luke gripped my hand tightly and started to walk forward as best he could, stopping to take pictures along the way. In an instant, my hand was ripped from Luke’s, and bodies from behind me surged forward, making me fall down onto the pavement. There was a moment of shocked silence before I heard my boyfriend’s voice.

“I need everyone to back up 10 feet right now!” He boomed.

Everyone did as they were told, clearing a path to me as Luke knelt down beside me.

“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asked gently. 

I nodded, blushing.

“I-I’m okay.” I muttered. Luke sighed, and despite my weak protests, he picked me up bridal style in his arms and carried me back to the car without another word. When we got in the car and closed the doors, Luke gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. I winced.

“Lukey, baby-“

“That was so scary, Y/N.” He breathed quietly. “I hate when they do that. I mean, it’s one thing when it’s just us, but when they potentially harm you? I-I can’t-“

I took his hand in mine and gently kissed it.

“Luke, honey, I’m fine, okay? It was scary, but I’m fine. Let’s just go have that cuddle, yeah?”

Luke relaxed under my touch, and kissed my cheek.

“I love you, Y/N. Let’s go.”

CALUM- “I’m tired.” I slurred to my boyfriend from our place in the club. “And my feet hurt.”

Calum laughed at my drunk self and kissed my hair.

“Do you want to leave, baby?”

I nodded once, and Calum bid goodbye to his bandmates, pulling me into a standing up position, but I whined in protest. Calum laughed again.

“Babe, take your heels off and get on my back.” He instructed gently. I grinned and did as told, hopping on my boyfriend’s back as we exited the club.

As soon as we got outside, however, I was blinded by the flash from cameras from reporters and fans alike, who began to swarm in on us. I gulped and buried my face in Calum’s back. He sighed and ran his hand comfortingly up and down my leg. Calum stopped a few times to take pictures, but tried to keep us moving at a fast pace through the crowd, reporters shouting questions at us left and right. We tried to ignore them, but one could be heard above the rest.

“Calum, is she drunk? What’s it like to date such a mess?”

I breathed in shock and squeezed Calum’s shoulder in order to remind him to stay calm.

“I advise you to never repeat that, mate.” He snarled. “You know nothing about her or me, and I’d appreciate it if you fuck off.”

He sped up his pace as we got to the car, and he opened the door and we got inside.

“You’re going to get in trouble.” I slurred.

Calum sighed and threw an arm around me.

“Fuck it. I don’t care if I get in trouble, I will defend you to the ends of the earth, Y/N.”

“Always?” I asked quietly as my eyes began to droop shut with exhaustion.

“Always.” Calum confirmed.

MICHAEL- I was at the airport, waiting for the boy’s flight to touch down, and I kept noticing more and more fans gathering, waiting for them to come out. I gulped, knowing the boys would not be prepared for this, and knowing that I had no way to tell them, as their phones were shut off for the flight. I particularly knew that my boyfriend hated being mobbed. He loved interacting with the fans, but he hated that he could barely move and had no control. I sighed and watched as the fans waiting started to scream. I saw Luke pop out and smiled, walking into the sea of awaiting fans. I saw the other two come next, doing the same. I then saw my red haired boyfriend, who froze in the sea of people, looking panicked. I groaned and started to fight my way towards him, saying excuse me and smiling at the fans who parted for me because they recognized me. As soon as I got to Michael, I placed a hand on his shoulder. He tensed, but then immediately relaxed when he saw it was me, pulling me into a hug.

“Hi, Mikey.” I breathed into his shoulder.

“Hi, Y/N.” He replied, kissing the top of my head. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, babe. But let’s get out of this crowd, alright?”

He sighed and I squeezed his hand.

“You’ll be fine, kitten.” I reassured. “You’ll be fine.”

He put a shaking hand on my hip and nodded. I grinned and started to walk, a path immediately clearing for us to walk through. Michael greeted some fans and took pictures, but if people began to get too close, I gently tugged him forward. Once we were out of the crowd and into the car with the other boys, Michael took a deep breath.

“You did good, babe.” I smiled at him, kissing his cheek.

“I’m just glad you were here for me, Y/N.” He said sheepishly. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

ASHTON- I woke up to tweets at me asking if Ashton was okay. Immediately, I took to twitter to see what was happening, seeing pictures of Ashton being mobbed while going out for a run. I cringed and closed twitter, quickly calling my boyfriend.

“Hi, sweetie.” Ashton greeted, sounding tired.

“Hey, sunshine.” I smiled. “You alright?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked, sounding confused.

“I don’t know. I saw on twitter that you were mobbed when you went out for a run and people have been tweeting me asking if you’re okay. Do you want to tell me what happened?”

I heard him sigh, and I pictured him running a hand through his hair.

“Yeah, I’m okay, baby. I’m sorry if they worried you. I just… I guess they think I looked sadder than normal, and they thought it was weird.”

I sighed after a beat of silence.

“Are you sad, Ashton?” I asked cautiously.

“I’m okay.” He responded.

“That wasn’t the question, Ash.” I retorted.

“Y/N, I’ll be okay.” He said. “Sometimes I just get frustrated because it seems like I have no time to myself, but then I remember how much I love the fans and I love doing this, and it grounds me, y’know? I’ll send out a tweet clarifying that I wasn’t sad this morning and that I love them so that they’ll stop bothering you.”

I smiled and wished that I could hug my boyfriend.

“You know I love you and don’t care if they’re harassing me as long as I know that you’re safe, right?” I asked gently.

“I love you too, Y/N. And I promise that I’ll always be safe for you.”

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