#34 You tweet him and you're famous

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You felt as if you’re macbook was going to blow up on you any minute, hundreds even thousands of #askY/T/N tweets coming in every minute, your page constantly refreshing. You were replying to as many as you could, overwhelmed by the number of questions that were flooding in from your 4 million followers.

@iloveY/N:@Y/T/N  if you could be any fruit what would it be? #askY/T/N

@Y/T/N: @iloveY/N definitely a pineapple, they’re my favouriteeeee! Yummm :) xx

Some of your fans were crazy, asking completely random questions which was what you liked often answering the weirdest questions you could see. You sat and watched the screen of your laptop as hundres of more tweets scrolled through your mentions, noticing that many people were asking you the same thing

@5secsofashton: @Y/T/N please follow @Ashton5S0S he loves you so much! #askY/T/N

@5secondsofno: @Y/T/N please please follow @Ashton5SOS he’s obsessed with you,it would actually make his life :D #askY/T/N


You found yourself reading hundreds of tweets asking for you to follow this ashton5sos guy, curious you decided to go on a little stalk and check out his twitter maybe find out who he was because honestly you had no idea who he was. Clicking on his profile picture, straightaway you saw that he was a very attractive boy, musician too and his arms dayum. Before even really registering what you were doing you found yourself flicking through his twitter photos and stalking his tweets, aw he asked his fans to trend #Y/Nfollowashton how could you not follow him? Just before clicking his follow button you quickly searched his band’s name up on youtube, clicking the link to a song called heartbreak girl, thinking you would only listen to the first little bit but instead listening to the whole song, and then another and another.

Deciding you had done an ample amount of stalking, you opened back up the twitter tab and followed him, sending him a cheeky tweet because seriously this boy was definitely someone you’d go for and him being an Aussie was just a bonus, you being Australian too!

@Y/T/N: @Ashton5SOS Hey Babe, just checked out a few of your bands songs on youtube and I think I’ve found my new music obsession! Would love to come to a gig one day, hope to see you soon xx

Pressing send on your tweet, you tried to convince yourself not to wait for a reply but you couldn’t help yourself, only having to wait a few minutes to see his tweet at the top of your mentions anyway

@Ashton5SOS: @Y/T/N arggghh! Can’t believe you just followed me and tweeted me! Thanks so much, we all love your music! Check dms love x

RT’ing his tweet, clicking straight on your dms you found a message from him… this was going to get interesting.


The crowd irrupted into cheers, the lights brightening back up as Ellen walked out on to the stage with a big grin on your face to match yours. “And that was (Y/N) performing her new single of her upcoming album, actually one of my favourite songs at the moment! Wasn’t she great” she said into her microphone, grinning her famous grin to the audience as she guided you over to the couches which were now set up in the middle of the stage to start your interview.

“Thank you so much! I can’t believe I just performed on Ellen! I’m totally fangirling on the inside right now” you gushed, making ellen laugh before taking your seat opposite ellen. “so (Y/N) she began, you’ve just come over to the states on some promo, correct? “She asked, nodding my head as confirmation, “and how is it so far!” she continued. “I absolutely love America, the fans are crazy, the food is so good although I’m scared I’ll get a bit chubby” you laughed, “and the shopping is just great!” you continued.

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