#23 Lovebites

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“Lucas Robert Hemmings, get your ass here right now” you yelled from the bathroom, your eyes staying focused on the reflection of the purple/scarlet mark that was on your neck just above your collarbone. “Shit shit shit” you cursed. “What the hell am I going to do with this Hemmings?” you said to your boyfriend who was now standing just behind you in the bathroom, “do with what?”  Luke says before his confused face turns into an amused grin. “Oh you mean this? Luke questioned, gesturing to the mark that was on your neck which only made you roll your eyes. “yes I mean this” you replied, slightly frantic, “you know we have to meet up with the rest of the boys and you knowthat we will never here the end of it” you stressed, trying to cover up the mark with whatever make up you could get your hands on. “(Y/N), stop” Luke laughed biting down on his lip and placing his hands on your waist, turning you around so you were facing him. “Luke, this is serious! What are we going to do” you whined, “well I know what we’re not going to do” Luke said, his voice slightly dropping in volume as he pulled you in closer, “we aren’t meeting up with the boys, we’re going to stay here so I can give you a few more of these love bites” he continued, pushing you up against the wall, “because they look so damn hot on you” he said against your lips before leaning in and trailing kisses down your neck. I think it was safe to say that you weren’t going to be meeting up with the boys today and now you had more than just one love bite to worry about.


“Mikey, is that a love bite?” Luke blurts as you two make your way through the door of his apartment which instantly makes you freeze in your spot, you were sure you hadn’t left any marks from the night before. “Ouch mate, that one looks painful” Ashton ads, which only makes mike giggle but you couldn’t help but blush furiously. “I have a love bite?” Mikey frowns, “I swear I will kill you both if you’re lying” “no babe, they aren’t” you interrupt. “Well shit” he curses. “ooooooo Mikey got some” Luke cooed, “shit she’s quite the rough one isn’t she mate?” Ashton added in giving Michael a pat on the back. At this point you were both beyond the point of embarrassed, you had been caught by the boys for doing the dead- it doesn’t really get much worse. “Oh shut up both of you, you’re just jealous you don’t get any” Michael said- a hint of playfulness in his tone, but he could tell just how uncomfortable you were becoming by the minute. Intertwining his fingers with yours he lead you back towards the door that you hand only entered not only five minutes ago, “Sorry guys, but me and (Y/N) are going to go back home so I can pay her back with a few love bites of her own” Mikey announced which resulted in all the boys making gagging sounds as you closed the door behind you. As soon as the door was shut Michael pulled you close and whispered in your ear “no seriously babe, I’m going to get you back”. 


The cold wind blew harder against you as you made your way down crowded streets of London, hand in hand with your boyfriend Ashton, making you snuggle in closer towards him. Pushing his way past a few people huddled around the entrance to the small café you had been trekking too, he pulled you in to the warm and cosy café. “Here we are babe; we made it without getting frost bite!” Ashton quietly cheered, grabbing your hands in his in attempt to warm them up. “Yay coffee!” you giggled, as you both walked over to the long coffee line. “Just the usual caramelised late darling?” Ashton question, leaning in and placing a soft peck on your cheek which instantly made you smile. “Yes please babe” you replied, leaning in and returning a soft peck on his lips before resting your head against your shoulder. Just as you were about to start talking to ash again, you were interrupted by the soft squeals and fast chatter of what sounded like younger girls. Hearing the mention of both yours and Ashton’s names as well as a hushed “omg they’re so flippin’ cute”, you knew straight away that a few fans had spotted you. Not only one minute after, the giggling stopped and you watched as a two girls who were about 14 or 15 walked over, approaching Ashton and yourself. “Hey girls, how are you both?” Ashton greeted politely, you doing the same before Ashton quickly started a conversation with them, which you of course didn’t mind because you loved how happy the fans made him. After getting both yours and Ashton’s coffees you walked back over to where the girls were standing with your boyfriend, only to notice that their conversation came to a complete stop when you arrived. “OMG” one of the girls gasped, “is that a love bite omg that is totally a love bite” she continued. Automatically, your hand went to your neck, adjusting the scarf that had obviously slipped and revealed the hickey that Ashton had left on your neck the night before. Your cheeks automatically reddened, as did Ashtons and both girls started giggling. “Wow what did you two get up to last night huh?” the other girl said, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. You found yourself lost for words as you looked towards Ashton, who looked absolutely horrified. “We ah… we b-baked cookies last night and now we have to go, it was lovely meeting you b-bye” Ashton stuttered before tightly grabbing your hand and quickly pulling you out of the coffee shop. As soon as you were both a safe distance away from the coffee shop you both burst out laughing, “We were totally just busted for doing the hanky panky, wow I love you” Ashton managed to get out between giggles.  Although, when it was trending later that night on twitter it wasn’t quite as funny but it didn’t stop Ash from giving you a few more.


Soft giggles escaped your lips as Calum trailed his lips down your neck, peppering it with kisses as your hands roamed all over his body. You were currently in your room at home, with your Brother Ashton, yes Ashton Irwin, right next door which was why you were trying to be as quiet as you could. You and Cal had found yourself in this position after he snuck in to your room through your window, if Ashton found out he was here or even worse, that you two had secretly been seeing each other, he was basically dead. Calum’s hands made their way up your body slowly removing his shirt, as yours did the same to him and it seemed that your playful innocent kisses had now turned into a full on steamy make-out session. You felt Calum nipping slightly on your neck which instantly made you moan in response, earning a chuckle from him because he knew exactly what he was doing. A knock on the door soon enough made you both pull away from each other so fast; you both tugged your shirts back on before shoving Calum into your closet knowing exactly that it was Ashton who was at the door. Smoothing out your bed sheets you quickly grabbed a random book and tried your best to ‘act normal’ before answering, “yeah ash, come in”. “Hey y/n, I was just coming to see what you wanted for- OMG Y/N IRWIN IS THAT A LOVE BITE ON YOUR NECK” Ashton basically screamed and you automatically felt your heart speed up, “I –uh- I n-no” you stuttered, your  hand flying up to your neck. “Y/N THAT WASN’T THERE LIKE AN HOUR AGO I SWEAR TO GOD, Calum mate get the fuck out of my sisters closet you fuck” Ashton screamed even louder this time, the vein popping out of his neck as Calum shamefully came out of the closet with his head bowed, “Ash mate I-“ Calum tried to explain, “No mate I don’t even want to hear what you have to say, I’m just so disappointed and I think it’s best if you leave” Ashton interrupted, following Calum out and slamming the door behind him. What the hell just happened and how did he know it was Cal?

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