#32 Play fighting

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Ashton: Pillow Fight

You walked into your apartment and right past Ashton who was sprawled on the sofa. You walked straight into your room and fell face first on to your bed. You felt exhausted from your busy day and all you wanted to do was just sleep and eat and sleep again. You huffed out a puff of air as you closed your eyes, your face muffled by the duvet cover.

“Ugh!” You groaned as a pillow smacked against your back. Ashton’s loud and high pitched laugh filled the room as you turned around, lying on your back and glaring up at him.

“You forgot to say hello,” he whined, flipping a few curls out of his eyes. You poked your tongue out at him.

“There is no way I’m saying it now,” you replied as he looked at you, confused.

“Saying what?” He asked and you gave him a weird look.

“Hello,” you replied and he grinned, letting out another laugh.

“Yay, you said it! I win,” he hopped on to the bed with you, straddling your waist. You rolled your eyes and smirked, grabbing a pillow from behind you and whacking him against the head with it. He proceeded to smack his pillow on to your face, making you laugh as you sat up, crawling out from underneath him. You stood up on the bed and hit him again, grinning as he toppled over on the bed.

“I win,” you stated with a smirk. Ashton’s hand wrapped around your ankle and he yanked you down, causing you to squeal as you fell against the bed. He laughed and crawled on top of you, purposefully trying to get all his weight to rest upon you. You pounded your fists against his chest lightly, trying to push him off.

Ashtooooon,” you groaned as he laughed again.

“And with a kiss,” he leaned down and placed a small kiss on your lips, “my lady’s wishes are commanded,” he rolls off you and you exaggerate a big gasp of air before nudging him lightly.

“Weirdo,” you teased and he ruffled your hair, enclosing his arms around you as the two of you cuddled in bed for the rest of the afternoon.

Calum: Teddy Bear Fight

“I actually hope you know just how much I’m going to crush you,” Calum stated, holding up his teddy bear threateningly at you. You rolled your eyes and waved your teddy bear in the air.

“Bring it on,” you stated simple and before you knew it, Calum was attacking you with the teddy bear. You laughed and hit him back lightly, running away from him and around his house. You let out a small squeal whenever he got near, running faster so that he wouldn’t go completely AWOL on you with the teddy bear.

“I’m going to get you, Y/N,” he called after you and you stopped abruptly, turning around at just the right time to hit him in the face with your teddy bear. His face scrunched up as you laughed, running away from him again. He was fast to recover and was quickly chasing you around his home once again as you weaved in and out of rooms and in between furniture.

You ran to his bedroom, taking a leap of faith on to his bed and curling up into a ball in one of the corners of his bed. As he entered the room, you threw your teddy bear at him as it landed straight into his chest. He watched it bounce off his body and fall on to the ground before he lent down and picked it up, a grin on his face.

“Did we just have a teddy bear fight?” He asked you and you threw your head back, laughing at your antics.

“I think so,” you said as he sat down on the bed next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

“I love us,” he said, shaking his head as you laughed again, resting your head on his shoulder.

Luke: Water Balloon Fight

“Am I going to regret agreeing to do this?” You asked, looking down at the massive bucket full of water balloons and then back up at Luke. He smirked, shrugging.

“Probably. Once I kick your ass of course,” he said and you rolled your eyes, folding your arms across your chest. It was a hot summer’s day and you and Luke thought you were going to melt from the heat around you and so Luke had decided that the two of you should have a water balloon fight.

“What makes you think that?” You asked before being hit square in the chest with a water balloon. It was that quick you hadn’t even seen it coming and you looked down at your now soaking wet top and then back up at Luke.

“I’m a fricken pro,” he replied as you grabbed a water balloon and threw it back at him, making sure to throw it at his chest. He looked down before looking back up at you and smirking, shaking his head. “Oh, babe, if that’s the best you’ve got then I feel sorry for you,” he said cheekily, and you laughed, grabbing another water balloon and throwing it at him. He smirked and shook his head and so you proceeded to grab another one before Luke took one and started running away from you.

You followed him, laughing as the two of you ran, before being hit by another water balloon that Luke had thrown backwards and at you. You continued to run to him, getting closer and closer. Just before you were able to grab on to his hand you tripped over your own feet as you ran and started to fall, grabbing on to Luke’s shirt and pulling him down with you. Landing on the ground, the two of you laughed as you rolled around slightly, the grass sticking to your wet bodies.

You dropped the water balloon on to his face, laughing as his whole face pinched up. You ran a hand through his now wet hair, raising an eyebrow.

“The whole ‘I just got a water balloon dropped on my face’ thing really works for you. Very sexy,” you commented nonchalantly as his arms soon wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

“Note taken,” he smirked, placing a light kiss on your lips.

Michael: Food Fight

“WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!” You groaned and covered your eyes with your arms as light streamed through the bedroom window. You rolled over in the bed, grabbing the duvet and pulling it over your head. “WAKE UP Y/N,” Michael sang, jumping on to his bed that you were currently laying in and jumping up and down.

“Nooo,” you whined, trying to get back to sleep.

“You promised me we would make pancakes for breakfast,” Michael said seriously and you threw the duvet off of yourself and sighed in exasperation and exaggeration. You sat up in bed, rubbed your eyes, and then stood up, following Michael to the kitchen where he had set up everything you needed.

You watched him get started straight away and had a little stretch and yawn, grabbing some flour and throwing it at him lightly, giggling.

“That was for waking me up,” you said and he smirked, splashing a bit of milk at your face.

“That was to wake you up,” he replied and you mock glared at him, grabbing a handful of flour this time and throwing it at his face. He coughed, trying to swat it away and you laughed. He quickly grabbed an egg and broke it on top of your head, making your jaw drop as the cold and gooey liquid started streaming down into your hair and on to your face.

The two of you looked at each other; one was pale white and covered in flour and the other was covered in egg. You both cracked up laughing and you shook your head, looking around at the small mess you had made around you. Michael stepped towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

“How about we get cleaned up and just go out and get some pancakes,” he offered and you laughed, nodding.

“Sounds good to me,” you leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek before running back upstairs to get ready for your breakfast date with your boyfriend. 

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