Ashton gets in a fight

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You and Ashton went to a club one night, just for a night out with some friends. As time passed, people got more wasted and everything got crazier. Tons of people were out on the dance floor and you got separated from Ashton, but you were still close to your friends. The music itself was intoxicating, everyone was dancing and grinding on each other. You moved your hips in sync with the beat blaring through the club. Someone came up behind you and started dancing. You were okay with it at first, it was just what you had been doing before, moving to the music. The man began getting handsy, his hand moving to your hips. You tried to move away from him, but he just kept grabbing you and moving closer. He was clearly drunk by his stumbling feet. It was getting extremely uncomfortable for you and you wanted to find Ashton. When his hands began moving lower towards the bottom of your dress you elbowed him and moved through the crowd back to where your drinks were. Ashton was no where to be found, and when you asked someone they told you that they saw him leaving the club a few minutes ago. Confused, you walked to the door and looked around but you still couldn’t find him. Maybe he’d went home because he couldn’t find you? You took a cab home, wanting desperately to find Ashton there. To your disappointment, he was nowhere to be found when you returned. Pacing around your living room, you noticed how worried you began to get. With shaking hands you took out your phone and pressed on Ashton’s name. It rang and rang but there was no answer. Moments later Ashton walked through the door, his appearance was shocking. His eye was nearly swollen shut and cuts now appeared all over his face. You noticed his knuckles were bloody as he shut the door when you ran up to him. “Ashton what the hell happened?” you nearly yelled, panicked. “I kicked his ass” he smirked slightly, but it was distorted due to his face being swollen. “Who? What are you talking about?” You demanded. “That guy that was dancing with you”. You led Ashton upstairs to the bathroom so you could clean him up. He winced as you cleaned his cuts and bloody knuckles with peroxide. You gently wrapped his hands with gauze to stop the bleeding. When you were finally done cleaning him up, you gently ran your finger beside his bruising eye. He winced again, his good eye staring back into yours. You kissed his lips gently, “You didn’t have to beat him up”. “Yea, but nobody touches you like that except me” he said, kissing you back harder. You took his hands and led him to your bedroom where he wrapped his arms around you tightly, kissing your neck and falling asleep with you as close as possible.

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