He's A Hockey Player - All of the boys

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Ashton: You watched the game in front of you intently. Ashton was out on the ice and he was trying to get the puck from a player on the opposite team. “Come on, Ash, come on” you said quietly to yourself as you slowly moved to the edge of your seat. The player on the other team lost control of the puck and Ashton grabbed it with his stick and started making his way back to the other side of the ice. You stood up and began cheering, only to be interrupted when another player from the opposite team flew by and slammed Ashton into the side of the wall, his head hitting the glass extremely hard before he fell to the ice. You waited for a whistle and the game to be stopped, but there was none. “Are you kidding me??? You need to call that, you bastards!” you screamed, still standing. As if the refs could hear you, they blew their whistles as each team stopped and the coach as well as the medical team ran over to where Ash was now laying. Your heart began to race as you sprinted to the glass closest to Ashton, watching as the medics examined him. His eyes were open and he was talking, there was some blood where his helmet shield cut him, but he was conscious and communicating. They helped him off the ice as they walked to the locker room and people cheered after becoming aware that he was okay. You began running towards the locker room, the sounds of the game continuing play behind you. Once you ran in you saw Ashton stripped of his padding and laying on cushion. The medics were testing him for a concussion which ended up being positive. After they were done you walked over to Ashton and he tried to sit up but you didn’t let him as you reprimanded him to lay back down. “Y/N, I’m fine” he assured you. “No, you hit your giant head against the glass and now your brain is all rattled” you laughed and so did he. “I’ll be out for a few games now” he said, frowning. “Well, at least I’ll get to take care of you” you smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips.

Calum: You stood in the players box as Calum skated around the empty ice rink. “I need you to time my sprints” he said, handing you a stopwatch. “I think I need a little motivation” he said, leaning in towards you. “You’ll get rewarded once you improve your time” you said, patting him on the back. He skated his way to one side of the ice, “Alright, go!” he shouted. You began the clock as you watched him skate across the ice. He hit the goal at the other side and began to make his way back to the other end. “Come on, Cal! Faster! Faster!” you yelled as he came close to reaching the other side. Once he touched the goal you stopped the clock. “Not bad” you said, “Now let’s see you improve”. He continued racing back and forth, checking his times. He’d begin to improve and then he skated over towards you. His face was covered in sweat and it was dripping from his hair. “Good job babe, now hit the showers” you said, opening the door of the box for him. “I do believe I was promised a reward for improving my time” he stated. “Oh yes, that’s right” you said, leaning in to kiss you as he grabbed your waist and intensified the kiss. You pulled back lightly, “You’re really sweaty” you giggled. “Then come shower with me and give me and even greater reward” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

Luke: "Y/N" Luke whined as he walked into your room. "Yes, my love?" you answered, turning towards him. "Can you make me food?" he asked, climbing on the bed next to where you were sitting. "I need to load up on carbs before the game tonight" he continued, now laying next to you. "Fineee. Pasta?" you asked. "Yes, please" he smiled. You cooked a heaping mountain of pasta for Luke and a smaller plate for yourself. Amazed, you watched as Luke devoured the large portion and left nothing behind. "What?" He asked as you stared at him and then looked at your plate that you weren’t even done with. "I just don’t understand, you eat enough food for three people. Where does it all go?" you playfully shouted. "I need to eat a ton for energy to burn off during the game. Don’t make fun of me" he laughed, hiding his face. Later in an interview after the game, Luke was asked what got him ready before a big game and his response was, "Probably my girlfriend’s amazing cooking".

Michael: When Michael played hockey let’s just say he got really in to it, sometimes a little too in to it. Tonight he was currently on the ice with a guy in a headlock after discarding his gloves and helmet. He had already given the guy two good blows while receiving one back before grabbing him. Michael gave him one last good punch before the refs were pulling them apart. You could see that Michael was yelling something at the other player while being pushed away by the referee, but being so far away you had no idea what he was saying. There was blood being cleaned off the ice but it wasn’t clear if it was Michael’s or the other guys. Both of them were now in the penalty box and being treated for their scratches, nothing terrible. The real problem was that this was Michael’s third fight of the week, twice last game and once this game. “You’ve got a couple nice marks now” you said, examining the black eye that had begin to heal from the last game and now the new scratch on his eyebrow. “Yea, but coach said if I continue these fights he’s gonna bench me for the rest of the season” he said, casually. You sat back, shocked slightly by the harshness of his coach “Jesus, Michael, you better knock it off”. “Oh, I’m not even doing it for the game. There’s this really pretty girl that comes to all the games and I see her in the stands and I’m trying to impress her” he said, moving closer to you and kissing you on the cheek. “Well, she’s pretty impressed. I think she’d be impressed even more if you stayed in the games” you said, kissing him back on the lips. 

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