#43 Christmas with his family

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Luke: “So, (Y/N), how did you and Luke meet?”, Luke’s brother, Ben, asks you. “Yeah, Luke’s always talking about you, but he never told us how exactly you met”, Jack chimes in. You blush, suddenly self aware that the ‘fanfiction coming true’ way you met Luke would probably sound pathetic to them. “Ah, I was always a fan of his band”, you begin and they nod, telling you to go on. “And when they came to my town, I went to one of their concerts. I had front row tickets and meet and greet, so I was pretty excited”, you smile, remembering it all. “So after the show I-“, you’re interrupted by Liz entering the room. “Dinner’s ready”, she smiled and you silently thanked her. “I’ll finish telling you guys later”, you tell them and they agree. “What were you talking about?”, Luke asks in a low tone so only you can hear, while wrapping an arm around your waist. “I was just telling them how we met”, you shrugged. “Ah, and how did they react?”. “I didn’t finish the story”, you explain. “Good,” he replies, “Even though that was the best day of my life, the way we met was kinda weird”, he smiles pecking your cheek. “I agree,” you smile, glad he thinks the same, “So from now on, we should say we met on a cd store, or something like that”. “Have I told you I love you?”, he smiles.

Ashton: “(Y/N)! Ashton! Come play with us!”, Harry, Ashton’s little brother, and their little cousins beg, pulling at both your hands. He looks at you, silently asking if it’s okay. “Sure!”, you smile, answering Ashton and the kids. “So, what do you wanna do guys?”, he asks them, holding your hand tightly in his. “Let’s pretend we’re superheroes!”, one of them suggests. “Yeah!”, they all agreed. “But wait, (Y/N)’s not a boy, she can’t be a superhero”, Ashton says, wrapping an arm around your waist. “I can be a superhero!”, you reply, “I can be Wonder Woman, Cat Woman…”. “Or”, he begins, “You can be the lady who needs to be rescued!”. You raise your eyebrows as if saying ‘did you really just suggest that?’. “Yeah!”, the kids agree, “We can save (Y/N) from the villain!”. “Okay then”, you sigh, not wanting to let the kids down, “I’ll be your helpless lady”.

Michael: “Wow”, you say once you walk into Michael’s parents house. “I didn’t know your parents were so festive”, you eye the decoration all over the room. “Yeah, they take this whole Christmas thing pretty serious”, he replies laughing. “I think it’s cute”, you smile, squeezing his hand while you walk around the living room. “Yeah, there was this one Christmas when I was little, that my parents dressed me up as a little elf. Even though I totally regret it now, at the time it seemed like fun”. “Oh my God, I need to see pictures of it!”, you squeal, abruptly stopping and holding his arms, turning him to face you, “Promises me you’ll show me some pictures?”. He laughs and nods, but before he can properly respond, one of his family members yells: “You’re under the mistletoe! Kiss! Kiss!”, and, suddenly, the whole room is yelling ‘kiss’. Your cheeks turn red as you look up to the mistletoe, and then to Michael again, who’s smiling. Slowly, he leans in, wrapping his arms around your waist, and touches your lips. You put your hands around his neck, messing with his hair, accepting his kiss and kissing back. The room explodes in ‘ooohs’, and the little kids yell ‘ew’. When you pull away, everyone starts to clap. You feel your face flush and hide it on Michael’s chest.

Calum: “Merry Christmas!”, you and Calum smile at Calum’s relatives. “So your guys are pretty steady, huh?”, one of his cousins asks, patting him on the shoulder. “Yeah”, Calum smiles, looking down at where your hands were intertwined. “(Y/N), you have no idea how much Calum talked about you”, another one chimes in. “Yeah”, the first one continues, “But even though he mentioned how gorgeous you were, I don’t think he made justice to your prettiness”. “Oh, uh, thank you”, you blush, looking down. “Alright guys”, Calum says, pushing them away, “Don’t scare my girlfriend away”. “Oh, we’d never do that, Cal”, one of them says, putting his hands in the air in a defensive way. “True, we’ve never seen you so happy - we don’t wanna ruin that”, the other finishes and they both leave. “I live your family”, you smile pecking his cheek. “They’re so embarrassing”, he mutters smiling, hiding his face on your neck while you laugh.

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