#4 How you met

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LUKE- He’d see you for the first time that morning he completely forgot about a meeting with the lads where they’d probably talk about the last details of the new album and he’s abruptly throwing away the sheets and jumping out of bed because Fuck! This is why we suck!, and he rushes to Calum’s house without even having breakfast so like in the middle of the road his stomach is as loud as the Green Day song he’s hearing, forcing him to pull over in the closest Starbucks, where you’re taking your daily coffee during your break hour between your classes. And as soon as he sees you he feels like he’s living one of the million of songs he had write, and like four days later when the guys are actually pissed off at him for being late he decides that it’s time to man up and walks towards you, stumbling with his own feet and accidentally pouring his coffee on the floor and you have no choice but look up at him because of the mess he created but the only thing you’re able to see is a flushed giant, smiling a shyly “Hi”

CALUM- It’d be a windy day and you’d be like in the park trying to take a break from your tests or something and you’re wearing that damn scarf you hate, that looks more like a Griffindor scarf than an American Apparel but it’s the warmest you have and you don’t want to get a cold or something so you’re wearing it. And as you walk beside this talk fit brunette who looks more like a sort of Asian dude and is playing with his dog, you hear a very low whisper similar to “Ten points to Griffindor” and God if you hate when guys hit on you but somehow his voice or his cheeky smile or perhaps his wink make you smile as well before you both flushed and start giggling.

ASHTON- The point in being in Sanity was your best friend’s birthday present. You wanted to buy her the first album her favorite band ever released and you were having a hard time trying to find it between the bunches of CD’s and EP’s along the whichever is the first letter of the group section and you had dragged someone’s attention. So you hear like a very thick accent behind your back saying “Hello” only to turn on your heels and find this tall blue haired lad who is smiling at you and introducing himself as Michael before he starts to carry up some kind of conversation. And you’re just being polite with him nodding and smiling until his excused topic comes to an end and he’s forced to push a shaggy haired lad, with the most beautiful eyes you’d ever seen, in front of you. “My friend here, Ashton, wanted to talk to you” Michael confesses as he pushes him a little closer before he leaves both of you alone in the Cd’s section and you’re flushing furiously and Ashton is fitting his glasses as he shrugs and smiles at you with that world winning smile of his, “So what are you trying to find?”

MIKEY- It’d be like your little brother or cousin or something birthday and as you didn’t know what to get him you decided it was a good idea to take him to a video games store because All kids like them right? So you give him instructions to pic his favorite game “Only one” between the millions of games along the shelves. And you’re waiting patiently for him playing in your phone Flappy Bird or Cut the Rope until he finally appears and before he could hand you the game a bigger and paler hand grabs it and you look up to find the one and only Michael Clifford in front of you and you’re doing your best to not open your mouth because you know your jaw will drop to the floor. But he’s blushing as well so you are like What? and observe him cautiously as he takes the game and inspect it reading the description behind. “maybe we can play this together mate?” He tells the little boy with his eyes glued on you.

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