#39 A rainy day

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You woke to the soft sound of rain falling outside of your window and to the smell of crispy bacon lingering in your room, not wanting to get out of bed you cuddled back into your blankets and tried to go back to sleep. After lying in bed for ten minutes you couldn’t get back to sleep so you slowly crawled out of bed, grabbed on of Ashton’s warm sweat shirts to put on and made your way down stairs. When you walked into the kitchen you saw Ashton leant over the stove, cooking what must’ve been eggs and you couldn’t help but stare at his toned shirtless back as he stood in only a pair of pyjama bottoms facing away from you. As quietly as you could you made you way up to Ashton and snaked your arm around his waist, chuckling when you felt him jump slightly under your touch. It didn’t take Ashton long until he had turned around, greeting you with small kisses all over your face making you giggle. “Good Morning Baby”, he whispered into your ear in his husky morning voice before pulling you into a tight hug. “Morning, the food smells amazing”, you replied as you went and took a seat on the bench, waiting for Ashton to finish making breakfast. Once you’d finished your lovely breakfast made by your perfect boyfriend, you spent the rest of the day together cuddled up on the couch together, legs intertwined and his hand resting lazily on your hips as you watched all of your favourite movies in your pyjamas, receiving small kisses from your boyfriend whenever he felt like it.


You groaned as you watched the rain falling outside of your window, your park date with Michael was ruined and now you knew you’d be stuck inside by yourself all day doing absolutely nothing. Knowing you couldn’t really change the weather you decided to go eat your body weight in ice-cream while watching pretty little liars, because what else was there to do on such a miserable day. You were half way through the fourth episode of the second season when there was a knock at the door; frowning at the unexpected visitor you set down your ice-cream and went to answer the door. You opened the door to see your sexy boyfriend Michael standing there with what looked like an Xbox and controllers, why the hell did he have his Xbox? Weirdo. “Hey babe!” you smiled, actually excited to see your boyfriend as you placed a kiss on his cheek. “Hey boo, and before you even ask, yes this is an Xbox and yes these are Xbox controllers” he beamed, as he walked into your apartment. “Mikey, can I ask why you brought your Xbox?” you said sitting down on his lap on the couch. “well, I was playing cod at home by myself before I came, but I got bored and I missed you sooo I decided that I’d bring the Xbox here so we could play together” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. You laughed at your random weirdo of a boyfriend for his crazy and spontaneous idea as he hooked the Xbox up to your TV. “Well I hope you’re prepared to get your ass kicked” you said, poking your tongue out at your boyfriend as you sat in between his legs on the floor and began playing the game. “In your dreams baby” he chuckled, pecking you on the cheek. You and Michael ended up playing video games together for the rest of the day and you did end up beating him a grand total of twice and he insisted it was because he let you win but you knew that he was just using that as an excuse, he always did.


“(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N) Wake up!” you heard the familiar voice of your boyfriend Calum shouting excitedly as you slowly opened your eyes to be met with his big brown ones. “Cal, what time is it?” you yawned, snuggling into his chest and shutting your eyes again, ready to go back to sleep. “Morning sunshine, it’s 10 o’clock and don’t even think about going back to sleep missy” he chuckled, kissing you softly on the lips before slightly shaking you, making you groan and open back up your tired eyes. “But I wanna sleeeeeep” you yawned, “sorry baby no time for sleep, we’re going to play in the rain!” he grinned excitedly, making you laugh and sit up in your shared bed. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going out in that weather” you said, watching the rain fall hard outside of the window. “C’monnnn (Y/N) it’s like tradition, we didn’t buy matching gum boots for nothing!” he said, pulling you out of the bed and giving you his signature puppy dog Face that he knew you couldn’t resist. “Only because you’re so adorable” you replied, going to get dressed for your day in the rain. About twenty minutes later you had thrown on a pair of your favourite jeans, an oversized jumper and your pair of bright red gumboots. When you made your way into the lounge room you saw Calum dressed in his matching gumboots, looking like an excited little kid about to open his presents on Christmas morning. You smiled at your crazy, childish boyfriend that you loved so much before taking his hand in yours and making your way outside. You and Cal played outside in the puddles and in the rain for a few hours, just like almost any other time it rained and you had to admit you would rather be jumping in puddles with your perfect boyfriend than sleeping anyway.


You woke up to the sound of rain, like every other day that week but this morning when you woke your boyfriend Luke wasn’t laying there beside you like he usually was or like he should’ve been. Stretching slightly, you climbed out of bed in only one of his shirts and went looking for your boyfriend who had seemed to have disappeared. First you checked the bathroom, then the kitchen and the guest bedroom but he still wasn’t anywhere to be found and it was weird because it wasn’t like Luke too just up and leave with a text, a call or even a note letting you know. Still confused you made your way into the lounge room, hoping he was in there and that’s exactly where he was, in your lounge room, inside a huge blanket fort. Of course, you should’ve known! Luke always comes up with crazy ideas every time it rains and obviously today’s idea was a blanket fort. Quietly, you made you way inside the blanket fort to see your boyfriend lying there scrolling through his phone, looking up when he heard you start to chuckle. “Whaaaat, it’s awesome! You have an awesome boyfriend” he beamed, opening his arms signalling for you to go and cuddle with him. “You know, anyone would think my boyfriend was 6 not 16” you chuckled, pinching his cheeks. Luke only laughed, as he started to play with your hair. “I’m just kidding Lukey, I love it” you said, intertwining your legs with his under the blankets. “I knew you would” he replied, kissing your forehead and pressing play on the remote for monsters Inc. to start playing on the TV. You spent the rest of the day, pigging out on junk food, watching movies and cuddling with your boyfriend in the cosy blanket fort he had built for you.  

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