You go into labor (Ashton)

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You stood sideways, looking at yourself in the mirror. Your baby bump wasn’t just a bump anymore, it was huge. You were due any day, and boy were you ready. Ashton walked in, moving your hair from your neck and trailing kisses along it. “How’s my two favorite girls?” he asked. “Well I am quite tired, but she does not seem to be. She’s been constantly kicking” You said, moving your hand to your stomach. Ashton moved so he was in front of your stomach. “Hey! Stop being so excited in there!” he chuckled, “You’ll be out in no time. I can’t wait to meet you”. You giggled before kissing Ashton and laying down to sleep. You were woken a few hours later, a sharp pain coming from your stomach. Everything was wet, and you sure hadn’t wet yourself. You shook Ashton, “Ashton wake up!” you yelled. “What is it babe?” he said, sitting up quickly. “My water broke, we need to go right now” you said, getting out of bed. “Babe, I’ll get the bag and my keys. You just go change quick and then we’ll go” he said, surprisingly calm about all of this. You changed quickly, and were rushed out to the car. He pulled up right at the front of the hospital as he ran around the car to help you out. Ashton immediately went up to the window, “My wife is having a baby” he stated plainly. The lady informed him that they’d get you a wheel chair and you’d be moved into a room right away. Once you were there, Ashton held your hand the entire time, never leaving your side. He called your parents and his to let them know that you were in labor. It was early morning and it was finally time to push. After much yelling and nearly breaking Ashton’s hand, your little girl was welcomed into the world. Tears fell down your face as Ashton laid your new child in your arms. This was the start of a perfect family.

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