#52 He calms you down

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Luke: “How’s the tour?” You ask your boyfriend, Luke. “Awesome!” You hear him say into the phone, “Last night’s gig was so loud!” “That’s great!” You say enthusiastically. “How was school?” Luke asks. “Not good,” you sigh, “I have so much work.” You flop down on your bed, already exhausted, and pull out a text book. “Ah, that sucks,” Luke sighs, “What class?” “I have a huge chemistry test tomorrow,” You begin, ticking things off on your fingers as you go, “I have 200 pages of my book for English left to read by Wednesday, and my history paper is due Friday.”  ”Do you want me to leave you to work?” Luke offers. “Yeah I guess,” you mumble. “Alright, call me when you can,” he tells you, hanging up. It was three hours later when you called Luke. “Hey, babe, you done?” Luke asks hopefully. “I can’t do it!” You say, trying to keep your voice calm, but not succeeding. You feel your eyes sting with tears, and let them fall, grateful that Luke can’t see you. “I don’t have time for all of this!” You start crying harder, making it difficult to speak. “I’m n-never gonna g-get it done,” you cry hopelessly. “Babe, deep breaths,” Luke says quietly, “Relax.” “I don’t get ch-chemis-try,” you say, taking deep breaths as the crying subsides. “I’ll help you,” he offers, “We can study together. Just close your eyes and take another deep breath.” You do as he says. “Feeling any better?” He asks hopefully. “Yeah,” you sigh. “I love you,” Luke says. “I love you, too,” you say, smiling gratefully.

Michael: You walk into the house and slam the door, fuming. “What’s wrong?” Michael asks, looking up from the couch. “I’ll tell you what’s wrong!” You shout angrily. “This girl at school is wrong! She keeps telling me I’m all stuck up because I’m dating you and that I’m a brat and she doesn’t even know the first thing about me! Who does she think she is?!” You cross your arms, looking at Michael accusingly, as if he were the girl. “She’s an idiot,” Michael shrugs, “She’s probably just jealous because she isn’t as hot as you and can’t get any guys.” “Well I don’t care why she’s doing it, she needs to stop! I swear if she says one word to me tomorrow I’ll lose it!” “I know it’s tough,” Michael says, getting to his feet, “But you have to ignore her. She’s trying to make you mad.” “Well it’s working!” You snap, glaring at nothing in particular. Michael pulls you into a hug, and you slowly relax as he rubs your back. “Sorry for taking this out on you,” you sigh into his chest. “Don’t worry about it,” Michael murmured, kissing your head. He lead you to the couch, pulling you onto his lap. “There’s always gonna be someone out there who hates you for no reason,” Michael says sadly, “And you just have to remember that there’s even more people who love you - including me.” You nod, thinking over what he said. “Thanks,” you say finally, “And I love you, too.” You peck his cheek and he hugs you tightly. 

Calum: “Mom, that’s not even true!” You shout into the phone, “Well fine!” You hang up, throwing your phone onto the hotel room bed. “What was that about?” Calum asks, entering the bedroom. “My mother,” you state, rolling your eyes. “Ah,” Calum nods understandingly, “What’s she doing?” “She doesn’t get me!” You fume, “She doesn’t understand that you’re my boyfriend! Do you know what she called me? A groupie! Yeah! She thinks I’m just following you guys around and sleeping with you all! I swear she never listens!” “Babe,” Calum begins with a chuckle, “I’m sorry but you’ve gotta admit that’s a little funny, “You being a groupie.” You glare at him sullenly. “Well, not you sleeping with my friends,” Calum adds thoughtfully, “Really just the fact that she thinks you’re following us.” “Calum!” You say, trying not to laugh, “It’s not funny!” “I’m sorry, you’re right,” Calum says seriously, “Do you want me to call her?” You think for a second and then nod. “Okay,” Calum says with a nervous laugh. “I will. Yeah. I can do that.” He nods enthusiastically. “Maybe we’ll just give her some time to cool off first what do you think?” “Sure,” you laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck and pecking his lips. “And thanks,” you say, “For always making me laugh.” “Thanks for always making me laugh,” Calum smiled, kissing your forehead. 

Ashton: You open Skype and answer Ashton’s call immediately, smiling instantly when his face pops up. “Y/n!” He exclaims, grinning. “Hey, Ash,” you greet, taking in every inch of his face that you miss so much. “Are you okay?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed as he scrutinizes your face. “Oh, I’m fine,” you say with a not-very-convincing fake smile. “What’s wrong?” He asks, frowning, “I just miss you,” you admit, your voice breaking as you try not to cry. “I miss you, too,” Ashton sighs, “But it’s only a few more months before I come home.” You nod, again trying for a smile, but having even less success than before. “Is that the only thing?” Ashton asks suspiciously. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this,” you confess, swiping a tear from your cheek quickly. “What do you mean?” Ashton asks, concerned. “I just can’t deal with you being gone so much,” you explain, hot tears slipping from your eyes. “Shh, please don’t cry, y/n,” Ashton begs. “Please just - just listen to me okay?” You look up at the screen and nod, drying your cheeks with the hem of the shirt you wore, which happened to be Ashton’s. “I know it’s hard,” Ashton sighs, “And I know it’s not fair, but, y/n, I love you so much and I know you love me and I know you’re strong enough to get through this okay?” You nod, sniffling a little and wiping at your eyes. “I am so unbelievably in love with you” Ashton says, shaking his head in awe, “And I swear I will do whatever it takes to make this work.” “I love you too, Ash,” you say with a watery laugh, “I just miss seeing you.” “I know, but I’ll be home before you know it!” He says, smiling. 

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