#40 Lazy day in bed

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Your alarm goes off in the morning and you squint your eyes tightly, not wanting to wake up. Ashton had just come back from tour and you had both made plans to go out together that day, so you needed to wake up early. Turning around in your bed you saw Ashton open his eyes slowly, still looking extremely tired. 

"Do you want to go out today?" You ask him quietly, resting your head on your arm and playing with the top of his hair with the same hand. He closes his eyes again, shaking his head no before wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to his body.

"Let’s just stay in bed today," he replies in his scratchy yet sexy morning voice and you smile, closing your eyes and falling back to sleep in his arms. 


You and Calum had been awake for about half an hour but neither of you made the effort to get out of bed. Your hands were entwined on top of the duvet as Calum raised them in the air, squeezing your hand slightly. 

"I could just stay like this all day you know," he mumbled, staring at your hands. You smiled, watching him stare at your hands in such a fascinated matter and your heart swelled slightly at the thought that this boy was yours.

"Well, why don’t we?" You offered and he turned to look at you and smiled.

"Great idea Y/L/N."


You and Luke were snuggled up in bed, deciding that you were going to be lazy today and just stay in bed. A laptop rested on Luke’s lap and you were both having a movie marathon, taking turns to decide what movies to watch. [Your Favourite Movie] had just finished and you turned to look up at Luke who smirked.

"Transformers 3?" He offered and you rolled your eyes, laughing and smacking his chest lightly.

"Are you serious? When you said that we could take turns choosing I didn’t expect for you to go through whole movie series," you laughed again and he grinned.

"Well I didn’t expect to have to sit through these sappy movies of your choice either," he retorted, mocking your tone. 

"They’re not sappy, they’re romantic,” you replied and he raised one eyebrow. 

"Oh, so you want romance?" He asked slowly, a small smirk starting to form on his lips. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What are you doing Hemmings?" You asked as he closed the laptop and he gave a one shoulder shrug, turning towards you and wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Nothing," he mumbled before leaning in and kissing you.


You rolled over in your bed and opened your eyes slightly, frowning as Michael sat up in bed. He stretched and then got out of the bed, causing you to frown. 

"And where do you think you’re going?" You asked and he turned around, smiling down at you. 

"Breakfast with the boys," he replied and you laughed.

"You just got back from a year long tour with them and you’re going out with them this morning too? You know you’re in a band right? You can see each other, like, every day?" You asked sarcastically and he grinned at you.

"Yes," he replied, trying to sound stupid and his phone started ringing, Ashton’s face popping up with the caller ID. Before Michael could reach it you grabbed the phone and answered it, poking your tongue out at Michael as he threw a pillow at your face. 

"Ashton!" You greeted.

"Oh, Y/N? Where’s Michael?" He asked and you grinned.

"Michael? Funny story, yeah, so I kidnapped him. If you ever want to see him again you’re just going to have to let me have him today," you replied and Ashton’s laughter soon came from the other end.

"Alright Y/N! See you soon," he said.

"Bye!" You replied, hanging up the phone and placing it back on the bedside table.

"Now come back to bed," you laughed and Michael grinned, hopping back into bed and snuggling up to your side.

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