#37 Funny moments

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A tradition for your couple was to every now and then have a youtube marathon. Cuddled up in bed with cups of tea, just watching silly videos and having a laugh but when you came across the famous ‘Cinnamon Challenge’ Luke got a bit ahead of himself. “Lets do it Y/N!”, he said excitedly. Looking at him as if he was nuts, you answer,” You are kidding, right? It looks revolting!”. He laughed at your comment, “C’mon Y/N it’ll be a bit of fun, pleassssse?”. How could you say no to him, the big pushover you were, you agreed. Standing there shaking, you were that nervous and hyped up over this challenge, Luke counted down… 3… 2… 1… Immediately, clouds of brown sprayed from both of your mouths. Powder coated your throat with a taste bad enough to make you be sick. Both racing towards the sink for water to wash your mouths out, Luke surprisingly laughed at the outcome to his terrible idea. “I am never doing that again”, you muttered as you wiped your mouth with your sleeve, eyeing down the mischievous boy in front of you. Although it was the most disgusting thing you’ve ever done, it made for a great memory in your relationship.


Sitting at a bar with Michael, you both decided to just get a drink and relax after a hard week. Your conversations involved endless topics, varying from dolphins to goals in your life. You could literally talk to him for hours about absolutely anything but before you knew it, you had a bit to drink… maybe a little too much. Giggling at everything Michael said, he found it quite entertaining. “Maybe we should get you home Y/N before it gets out of hand”, he politely suggested. “Nooo no, I’m fine Michael babyyy, take it easy hey?”, you slurred. Laughing at your words, Michael stood up and walked over to help you up as well. “Let’s danceee!”, you announced, dragging Michael onto the dance floor and throwing your hands up in the air jumping about. Michael went along with your dancing rant but as you started to lose balance he knew it shouldn’t go on much longer. Grabbing you by the waist, he guided you out of the bar before you were sick on the curb. Groaning, you hopped into the car and fell asleep. Michael knew this would be a great story to tell at your birthday, maybe even your wedding?


Walking through the park, you couldn’t help but smile as your boyfriend, Ashton, reached for your hand. Entwining your fingers together, he looked over at you and poked out his tongue. Giggling, you look away, suddenly becoming shy. “I love this”, he said quietly. “What? Walking in an old park?”, you ask confused. “No silly! Being with you and not having to do anything and still have fun and be happy with everything”, he explained. “Well, aren’t you a suck up today”, you tease. Laughing, he squeezes your hand slightly, as if it was getting you back for poking fun at him. With the car in sight, you run off “I’ll race ya!”, you scream. With Ashton far behind you, due to your head start, you keep looking back to make sure you are winning by a far distance but you weren’t looking where you were going. Running straight into a light post, knocking your head, you fall flat on your back. Ashton runs surprisingly faster than he was before, kneeling beside you, he grabs your hand pulling it close to his chest. “You alright bub?”, he asked. “Never been better”, you replied sarcastically. Picking you up with ease, Ashton took you to the car and placed you in the back so you could lie down. With a quick trip to the hospital, ‘just to be safe’ as Ashton said, your boyfriend was relieved to find out you were fine, much to your embarrassment. 


After months of dating Calum, he wanted you to meet his family, as they are very important to him. Nervous was an understatement as to how you felt about this though, scared they wouldn’t like you or approve of you dating their boy. On the drive to his place, you were extremely quiet, not even asking Calum how he was. Calum placed a hand on your leg, making you jump. “Relax babe, they already love you from what I’ve told them and they haven’t even met you yet. It’ll be fine, I promise”, he reassured you. Putting on a smile, you tried to be happy but you were so tense. Greeted at the door by Calum’s mum, she was more than happy to meet you. Everyone was waiting for you to finally start the meal, which kind of made you feel bad but you tried to brush it off. Drinks were poured and conversations were started in attempt to get to know you. All seemed well until you had to be a klutz, bumping your drink; it spilt all down your new top. Embarrassed, you apologised profusely, excusing yourself from the table. Trying to clean yourself up in the bathroom, Calum peaked his around the corner. “It’s not that bad Y/N, this’ll come out in the wash and accidents happen! Who cares?”, he said, trying to cheer you up. “I’m so embarrassed Cal, that was my first impression and I blew it”, you replied as you slumped down sitting on the bath. “They love you! They all want you to come back to the table; they are having so much fun just getting to know you”, Calum told you. Slightly relieved, you began to giggle at how silly you were to freak out. Well, weren’t you welcomed into the Hood family with a bang!

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