#28 Where you first meet

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You paid the barista for your Starbucks coffee before asking him to wait for a second as you pulled out a map of the city. His fake friendly and polite expression immediately vanished as he realized you were about to hold him up. You had never been to Sydney before and never did well when it came to navigating your way around, and all you needed was a little help from a local.

“I was just wondering if you could please tell me the easiest route to-“You started but he cut you off immediately with a wave of his hand.

“Ma’am, we have a lot of customers to serve, the gentleman behind you included, and so I can’t really help you,” he said and you gave him an incredulous look. You waved the map slightly in his face, irritating him more.

“I just want to know the easiest route to Luna Park,” you said and he tutted his tongue and went back to making coffee. Good thing it was just behind the counter you were standing at so you could pester him some more. “Please, I’ve never been here before and I don’t know anyone here! I just want to find out how to get to Luna Park, it shouldn’t take too long to tell me,” you reasoned but he ignored you, placing the next drink on the counter and calling out the order. The guy behind you stepped forward and took it, shooting you a kind smile. You gave a small one back before quickly turning back to the barista. “Please help me,” you said and from the corner of your eye you saw the boy look at you.

“Pardon me, but what do you need help with?” He asked and you sighed in exasperation.

“I want to know the easiest route to Luna Park but this man here won’t tell me because he’s too ‘busy’!” You gave a pointed glare to the barista and he gave a small shrug, continuing to make the coffee. You made a note to complain about the customer service here. The boy smiled down at you, a large set of dimples appearing. Somewhere in the back of your mind, behind all the frustrated thoughts about how you’d never get to see and go to Luna Park, you realized this boy was actually very good looking.

“It’s not too far away from here, just a five minute walk and a ferry trip and you’re there! I can walk you there if you want?” He offered and you hesitated. It was extremely kind but you had no idea who this guy actually was. You looked him over quickly – a good excuse to check him out quickly too – before turning back to the barista.

“If you see my face on the news tonight and it says I went missing and the police are thinking it’s murder, just remember it was your fault,” you say, the barista looking up at that and giving you an incredulous look. “Kidding,” you added hastily before following the boy out of Starbucks.

“Murder?” He repeated with an amused smirk as the two of you started walking. You shrugged.

“I don’t know you at all. The good looking ones are always the dangerous ones” you reasoned with a pointed look. He smirked.

“Good looking?” He repeated again and you raised an eyebrow.

“Are you going to repeat everything I say?” You mocked his tone and he grinned.

“Ashton Irwin, pleasure to be of service to you ma’am.” He said, gesturing to his face and you laugh. He leaned over closer to you slightly to mock whisper. “I’m only open for business to the good looking ones,” he mocked your previous tone and you rolled your eyes.

“Y/N Y/L/N, and that was the worst line ever,” you reply and he looks at you in fake shock and pain.

“I’ll have you know the ladies love my lines,” he says and you raise an eyebrow.

“Well, looks like I just broke the mould,” you say with a proud grin and he laughs. His laugh is loud and much cuter than you’d expect. You look from the corner of your eyes as you walk to see his eyes quickly flicker up and down your body and bite down on your lip, preventing a smile to spread across your face as you continue to walk as if you never caught him. You soon arrive at the dock where a ferry is sitting, a bunch of people lining up to hop on. You turn to Ashton who is looking at the ferry and not at you, as if deep in thought. “Well, thanks for not killing me,” you say and it snaps him out of his reverie as he looks down at you and grins.

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