Chapter 52

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Kera Thompson

Flashbacks of a hour ago occurred in my head. Her body shook slightly just by the touch of water. I assisted her clean her naked body as best as I could. I saw myself in her, how scared and dirty I felt back then.

Once she was refreshed I have her clean underwear, a pad, a t shirt and some pajama shorts. Right now she was laying on the couch quietly just looking around.

Tristan was in the kitchen washing his hands before he came over to me.

"What do we do?" He asked me standing in front of me.

"Personally, I don't have all the answers but all I know is she needs to be watched and protected. Deb doesn't have any space and the police station is not somewhere she needs to be right now..."

"You were so brave and quick on your feet today. All those times you called me your super hero you were mine today."

My eyes followed his voice until I met up with his eyes and they connected. My small hands gripped his shoulders loosely. "You'll always be my hero."

My husband pecked my lips perfectly before he removed himself from my sight. I grabbed a water bottle and sat across from her. I wanted to ask questions but I knew her brain was still on what had just happened to her. That's until she uttered something very lowly.

"Bre'ell. My name is Bre'ell."


Yesterday, shattered my broken heart even more than it already is. When we took Bre'ell to the police, she filed the report, and with her being only 15 years old— they immediately had to find her mother's contact information and call her since she is the legal guardian.

Bre'ell was shook even more after they did that, because when her mother came she was horrible to her. As we were walking out, Bre'ell was balling her eyes out and she stopped and ran to me and T once we made it to the parking lot.

"Bre'ell! Let's fucking go now! Got me down here on my day off,  let's go!" Once Bre'ell stopped hugging, her soft eyes met up with Tristan's before her mother yanked her arm.

Bre'ell obeyed her mother as they walked to there car. Bre'ell's mother dragged her inside the Uber literally as she was sobbing. It wasn't much T and I could do, because that was her daughter and we weren't her guardians.

"I feel horrible. T." I told him sitting across from him at the island.

"Me too. There has to got to be something we can do." He grabbed my hand and rubbed it.

"We can't, we don't even have her information now. Anything can happen to her— her mother is a lunatic."

"She definitely is." He agreed as Adrian called me after I'd text him saying that I couldn't make it to the upcoming taping of his show because of Messiah.

"Ma' whatchu' mean you won't be able to come!?" Adrian replies over the phone annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Messiah is nominated for a award in New York City and he just asked me to come. And hello to you to." I explained to him knowing I was letting him down— and I hated that.

"So.... I wanted you on the show."

"I know Dre and I'm sorry, you can just reschedule the tapping. You can't reschedule his event because it's one night. I promise I'm so sorry, and I'll make it up to you."

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