Chapter 60~Fued

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{Joe's POV}

I rushed back to the room as quick as possible. Dianne had just sent me a text saying HELP!!! She used three exclamation marks this must be serious. I opened the door to our rooms and Macklynn and Eponiné were there fighting. Macklynn was pulling Eponiné's hair and Eponiné was kicking Macklynn. They were yelling at each other as well. Oh dear god, the arguing is contagious. I gave Dianne a look from the other side of the room on the count of three we were to pull the girls apart. I lifted my hand up counting down so the girls couldn't hear or see. 1,2,3. Dianne grabbed Eponiné and I grabbed Macklynn. Macklynn was kicking as I pulled her away.

M-"Eponiné shut up and go home no one wants you here your not even my proper sister"
E-"Why don't you, your not Joe's daughter and your not Dianne's your a nobody there my mum and dad not yours"

The whole room went silent. I pulled Macklynn out of the room. I knew little kids could be mean but jeez that was something else. What do they teach them at school? Macklynn was in tears. I don't think Eponiné realised what she said wouldn't only hurt Macklynn but also me and also Dianne. Macklynn cried into my chest. I held her close to me. I didn't even know what to do in this situation. Obviously, Eponiné said a horrible thing or things but Macklynn also did just not to the extent that Eponiné did. Oh my!

{Dianne's POV}

I'm in shock I can't believe Eponiné has just said that. Eponiné was now crying as she realised what she said.

E-"I didn't mean to say that"
D-"Then why did you say it"
E-"Because I was angry that she said I wasn't her proper sister"

Eponiné started crying again.

D-"Eponiné you are Macklynn's real sister she just also got angry"
E-"But I said you and daddy weren't her mummy and daddy"
D-"I know and that was very mean"
E-"I didn't mean to say that"
D-"I know and that's why you need to apologise for what you said"
E-"I don't want to I'm scared"
D-"I know but you're gonna have to, Macklynn will also apologise"
E-"How do you know that"
D-"I just do"

I'm really hoping me and Joe are on the same page when it comes to parenting. He better of told Macklynn to say sorry otherwise Eponiné is never going to, which will only make things worse.


I turned around to see Macklynn stood there with Joe right behind her. Phew!

M-"Eppy I'm sorry I said you weren't my proper sister you are and I love you"
E-"I'm sorry to Macky they are your mummy and daddy and they are also mine and you are somebody because you're my cool big sister I Luv oo to Macky"

I felt like I needed to cry. Why am I getting so emotional over this? What have I become? I chuckled to myself quietly. Joe walked over and wrapped his arm around my waist before kissing my cheek. Eponiné and Macklynn turned to us, me and Joe looked at each other confused.

M-"We're sorry to you guys too"
E-"Yeah I'm sorry mummy and daddy"
J-"Come here"

Eponiné ran into Joe's arms and Macklynn ran into mine.

E-"Do you still love us"
J-"Of course we do"
D-"Definitely we could never stop"
M-"We love you guys"

{Macklynn's POV}

After mine and Eponiné's argument yesterday we spent the rest of the day at the hotel cuddled up in bed watching movies. Before we went to go get dinner at a restaurant. We didn't really see any of the others yesterday all we know is Zoe and Alfie aren't talking to each other and Grant and Peter aren't either. They've also formed sides now. On one side is Zoe and Peter and on the other is Grant and Alfie. Honestly, it's like one of those high school movies where everyone's talking about each other behind there back and we've got to wait for the massive explosion. I'm not looking forward to the massive explosion because that argument is going to be one that mum or dad can't fix.

E-"Mummy daddy can you fix everyone else's arguments"
M-"Yeah like you did with ours yesterday"
J-"No we can't sorry"
D-"You are what they are all arguing about doesn't involve us"
E-"Why not"
D-"Because it's between them in their relationships"
E-"But if you and daddy argued it would involve us"
J-"That's because your our daughters"
M-"They don't have anyone else it involves"
D-"No meaning we can't help them"
E-"That sucks"
J-"Why don't we do something fun today"
M-"Like what"
D-"Let's go be tourists"
E-"Oooo can we go to a bakery"
M-"Can we go to a toy store"
J-"Everyone get changed then we are going"

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Check out my other Joanne stories:
•The Wedding Planner
•Strictly Love
•Something Deeper

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