The Contract

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In this story, your gem name is Azurite.


Location: Knowhere

Azurite sighed as he set an empty glass on the counter after finishing his liquor. He could hear the sound of the people talking, arguing, or even singing some songs they knew while being drunk in the background. It was a bar so he wasn't excepting more from this place.

"Just sit in the bar, and wait for one of my servants to call over for you." He thought to himself, shaking his head in irritation. He's been waiting here for over two hours now.

"So, what are you doing here, Az?" The bartender asked him as he refilled his glass. Azurite was visiting this bar from time to time, and these two were actually really good friends.

"Take a guess." Azurite answered.

"...Oh, The Whitebound brothers?" The bartender said in realization. If Azurite didn't came here to get a drink or two by himself, or with the people he knew, there was only one other reason than that, he came here because someone wanted to offer him a job. When Azurite shook his head, he said another person that came into his mind, "The Collector?"

"Yup." Azurite confirmed with a nod of his head, "He called me, and told me that he has a new job for me."

"It must be something important if he didn't told you what he wants from you in the message." The bartender stated.

"You're telling me." Azurite agreed with him.

"...So, how have you been doing? It's been a while since you came here." The bartender asked.

"As usual." Azurite answered, "Just traveled around, did some jobs, either alone or with Shi'ra's help, saw Quill and his crew once or two.''

"Just another days of Azurite's life." The bartender stated.

"That's right." Azurite said with a nod of his head.

"So, have you seen the message, two months ago when this kid..." The bartender was cut off in the middle of the sentence.

"I saw it when I was on Xandar. I am happy that the Diamonds are not longer a threat, but it doesn't change the fact that I despise them." Azurite explained as the bartender nodded his head in agreement, having the same mind as Azurite about the Diamonds, "Also, this kid that the universe is suddenly safe because of it. The Diamonds were just one of the many threats, and there are threats that are much worse than all of them combined. The universe is a dangerous place. It always has been and it always will be."

"Yeah. It's hard to disagree." The bartender couldn't do anything but agree with him.

Suddenly, on the other side, a dar opened, revealing a pink-skinned woman. She stepped into the bar and called over, "Mister Azurite, I'm here to fetch you for my master."

The woman gestured towards the doors, and gestured to follow her through them, Azurite stood up from his seat, and said, "Thanks for the drink."

"Sure thing. At least I had someone to talk to." The bartender smiled at Azurite, nodding his head.

Azurite followed the pink-skinned woman, who as he found out from was named Tarina, led him to a building in the shape of a large, purple dome. Inside were numerous glass cages, big and small, each containing something, be it plants, animals or people.

"No matter how many times I was here, this place always creeps me out." Azurite muttered to himself.

"Azurite!" The familiar voice called over to him. Azurite turned towards the source of the voice and saw a man wearing a white fur coat, "How wonderful it is to see you!"

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