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Merry Christmas everyone! I wish you all the best! 

"Uh, Spinel... Why are you wearing that?" Azurite asked Spinel, as Jasper who stood by his side nodded her head.

This day started off as many other days for him since he decided to give living on this planet a chance, but when he saw Spinel in a costume, he knew that something was going on today. He knew that he had the answer somewhere in his head, but looking for it would probably take him more time than asking her.

"Don't you remember? Halloween is today!" Spinel answered, as she was dressed as the Grim Reaper. With her scythe she looked truly scary.

"...Oh... right I forgot." Azurite said, rubbing the back of his head, as he reminded himself that Steven mentioned this holiday, when they were spending their time on this drawing exercise.

"Yeah, me too." Jasper said. It was this day. Nothing was going to make her wear a costume. Nothing.

"So, what about you? What are you going to wear?" Spinel asked Azurite and Jasper.

"...I don't have to change my clothes because I'm already dressed as a Ravager." Azurite answered, after a moment of thinking what to say to her, gesturing towards his red jacket.

"A what now?" Spinel asked him with a raised brow.

"A group of an interstellar crime syndicate comprising of thieves, smugglers, criminals, bandits, mercenaries, bounty hunters and pirates. There are nearly one hundred factions of Ravagers around the universe. Quill used to be a part of them before the formation of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I liked his jacket, so I started wearing the same one as he does." Azurite explained.

"...How many?" Spinel was clearly suprised by the number of factions.

"Over one hundred. I've come across one of them ten years ago, when the Diamonds sent me on a mission." Jasper answered.

Spinel nodded her head in understanding, with a smile, before turning towards Jasper, "What about you Jassie? What are you going to wear?"

"I'm not wearing anything." Jasper quickly answered, cringing because Spinel used the nickname she came up for her, which she hated.

"Are you sure?" Spinel asked her.

"Yes." Jasper confirmed it.

"But are you sure, sure?" Spinel continued to ask her.

"...Yes." Jasper repeated herself, growing annoyed by Spinel's questions.

"Okay." Spinel said with a shrug of her shoulders, "Your loss."

"Whatever." Jasper replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

"So, what do you guys think about my costume? Do I look scary?" Spinel asked, as she made a scary pose, trying to look scary to Azurite and Jasper.

"You may scare some people with it." Azurite answered.

"But not you?' Spinel asked him.

"Yes. After the things I've seen after leaving my ship, like the undead horde of skeletons on Darnel's and Freddy's planet, it's hard to scare me." Azurite told her.

'What about you, Jassie? Do I look scary to you?" Spinel asked Jasper, turning towards he said gem.

"I'm not scared easily." Jasper replied.

"I'll take that as no." Spinel answered, as she looked down.

"You still have time to scare someone, everyone is going to be celebrating this holiday." Azurite pointed out.

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now