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Vormir 2014

Natasha and Clint finally arrived at Vormir after a long a journey. They hovered above the planetin the Guardians' ship, seeing it next to a solar eclipse while surrounded by pink clouds as they both looked at the intended location through the windshield after standing up from their seats.

"Wow." Barton said in awe to his best friend, watching over the planet after standing up from his seat, "Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome."

Natasha could only nod her head in agreement to his statement.

Once they landed on the planet's surface, they walked together on the sands of the planet, passing by dozens of small pools surrouding  mountain that had what appeared to be a shrine on the top of it as they walked towards it. If there was a place where they would find the Soul Stone, then it was definitely it. Upon climbing the mountain, they started to get a little tired because of the climbing they had to do get there, as snow poured down from the sky at them.

"I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain." Natasha stated, giving a tired sigh.

Clint turned to her and raised his finger, "Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know."

Nat looked at him, ''Whatever. He eats garbage."

"Welcome..." A voice neither of them have ever heard before spoke up. The pair responded to the new voice by drawing and pointing their weapons in it's direction. The floating figure they spotted paid no attention that and slowly descended to the ground,  "...Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith."

"Who are you?" Natasha demanded.

"Consider me a guide." The figure replied, "To all those who seek the Soul Stone."

Black Widow turned her head to the side and nodded, "Oh, good. You tell us where it is and we'll be on our war."

The figure stepped forward. The two Avengers were able to see his face. His entire face was a red skull, "Ah, liebche,  If only it were that easy."

He turned around gestured for them to follow him. Althought they were hesitating a bit, Nat and Clint followed him. He stopped on a semicircular engraving, right on the the edge of the mountain. They stopped right next to him and looked down at the massive drop down.

''What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear." The figure told them.

"The stone is down there?" Natasha asked.

"For one of you. For the other..." The figure paused for a moment, casting a quick glance at them both, "In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul."

They couldn't stop their faces from going pale at this revelation from him as they shared a quick glance with each other. Clint wished that he and more importantly Natasha went for one of the other stones. Nat could fell how the shiver went through her body.


5 years ago

Thanos and Gamora walked through the path which was purely sand, passing by pools around the base of a mountain. The sun was in full eclipse. The walk up the mountain was surely long, but not that difficult. Paths worn by centuries lead them to the summit.

''The stone had better be up there... for your sister's sake." The Mad Titan warned his daughter.

"Thanos, son of A'lars." They turned around to the source of this voice and spotted a floating figure descending to the ground, "Gamora, daughter of Thanos."

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now