Final Preparations

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Thor was walking through Avengers headquarters. The God of Thunder dressed himself in a hoddie, as he opened a can of beer, taking a sip of it, looking around himself. Rocket, Stark and Peridot were working on building the time machine, even though Stark was absent for most of the time  to work on his personal project, Azurite and Amethyst carried supplies back and forth for the others to piece together and construct the machine. Jasper, Nebula, Rhodey, Scott and Banner were working on the suit that they were going to use during the time heist if this will end up working,

"On your left!" Thor's heard Amethyst voice as he turned around to see her. Amethyst shapeshifted herself into Purple Puma, because it would make it easier for her to carry it.

"You look different." Thor observed, eyeing the gem.

Amethyst just sent him a smile as she came over to Rocket and Peridot who were working on something underneath the platform, "Hey, Peri! Raccoon! New delivery!"

Rocket's eye twitched, as he groaned, knowing that she called him a raccoon just to annoy him, it happened before, "Be careful gemmy, you're not a genius.''

"I thought you got used to it." Peridot stated, glancing over at Rocket, recalling all the times Amethyst called Rocket a raccoon, neither on the mission, or in Beach City as the talking raccoon and Nebula were staying there from time to time. At first, Rocket was reacting like to any other person that called him a raccoon, but as the time passed he just stopped reacting to it. The small green gem thought he had gotten used to it.

"No, I didn't." Rocket said as he went back to work. Peridot and Amethyst shared a look with each other, before the first one went back to work on the time machine, as Amethyst walked away from them to get more things.

As she went to get more things, she walked past a room where Banner, Nebula, Scott, Rhodey and Jasper were working on a suit, well Nebula and Banner mostly did. Jasper and Rhodey were watching them, standing by each other side, eventually saying something or handing them a tool as Scott was standing in the middle, wearing the Quantum Suit. It was white, black, and red in color. It looked awfully similiar to his Ant-Man's suit.

"Time travel suit? Not bad." Rhodey stated.

Bruce looked down Scott's suit and was about to put something that looked like a strange red liquor in glass test tube in it, which Lang didn't fail to notice, "Hey, hey, hey! Easy, easy!"

"I'm being very careful." Banner stated, looking at Scott in confusion.

"No. You're being very Hulky." Scott shook his head.

"I'm being careful." Banner disagreed, confusion not leaving his face.

Scott held up the red glass bottle as he started explaining what it was to them, and how careful they should be with it was if they wanted their mission to succeed, "These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more."

"Calm down." Rhodey told him.

"We know how important that it." Jasper added, "That's why I'm keeping my hands off it." 

"Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs." Scott said as he accidentally pressed a button, and screamed before shrinking. A moment later he grew back to his normal size, and looked over at the group around him, "One test run."

Rhodey sighed with exasperation as Jasper put her hand on her forehead, saying, "And we should be careful with it?"

''...All right." Scott took a deep breath, before shaking his head, thinking about what happened the last time when he was testing the time travel along with Shi'ra, "I'm not ready for this."

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