Knowhere and Nidavellir

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It was hard for Gamora to tell how much has passed since Rocket and Groot left to Nidavellir along with Thor to get a weapon able to kill her father, but it wasn't the subjects of her thoughts, at least at this moment. The subject of her thoughts was a small red-jeweled dagger, which was given to her a long time ago, back when she was still a girl by Thanos on the day when he cleansed her planet.

''Gamora." Quill's voice suddenly took her away from her thoughts, "Do you know if these grenades are the "blow off your junk" kind or the gas kind? 'Cause I was thinking I might hang a couple on my belt right here. But I don't want to..."

''I need to ask a favor." She cut in, as they were now standing in the halfway of the cockpit of the ship.

Quill stopped and swallowed, "Yeah, sure."

''One way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos." Gamora said, giving him a look.

''Which is what the grenades are for." Quill said, trying to lit up the situation, but Gamora silenced him with a look, "I'm sorry. What's the favor?''

"If things go wrong... " Gamora paused for a moment, bracing herself to say this, "If Thanos gets me... I want you to promise me... you'll kill me."

Quill froze in confusion at the request, "...What?"

''I know something he doesn't. If he finds out... the entire Universe could be at risk." Gamora sighed.

''What do you know?" Quill raised his brow, giving her a concerned look.

''If I tell you, you'd know, too.'' Gamora pointed out.

''If it's so important, shouldn't I?" Quill stated.

''Only if you wanna die." Gamora explained, shaking her head.

Quill threw his hands in the air at this revelation, "Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario?''

Gamora rolled his eyes at what he just did, "Just... trust me. And possibly, kill me.''

''I mean, I'd like to. I really would..." Quill said, struggling to pick the right words for it, before Gamora silenced by covering his mouth with her hand.

''Swear to me. Swear to me on your mother.'' She said to him.

Quill stared in her terrified eyes. After a second, he responded with, "Okay..."

The two lean forward and press their lips against each other. They shared a kiss with each other, until an odd crunching sound startled them. They looked in the direction of the sound and saw Drax, standing in the corner.

Quill's eyes widened, as he asked him, "Dude. How long have you been standing there?"

"An hour." Drax responded.

''An hour?" Quill asked, not even trying to hide his suprise.

''Are you serious?" Gamora asked, wanting to know if Drax was serious or not.

Drax nodded his head, "I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still... that I become invisible to the eye... watch.''

Quill and Gamora watched how Drax just stood motionless, until pulling his hand out of the bag of zarg-nuts. He slowly began to raise it up, as Gamora and Quill stared at him in confusion.

''You're eating a zarg-nut." Quill pointed out, confused.

"But my movement... was so slow... that it's imperceptible." Drax continued.

"No." Quill said as he and Gamora shook their heads.

''I'm sure I'm invisible." Drax said, going along with this thing, depised being told that it doesn't work.

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