Earth Part 1

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When the opening door lowered itself slowly, daylight began to shine into Azurite's face. He put his hand in front of his face for a moment, because the Earth's sun was hurting his eyes. 

He held his hand for several more seconds, waiting until the sun would stop hurting his eyes, and when it finally did, he heard Steven say to him, "Hi there! My name is Steven, but you may know me as Rose Quartz or Pink Diamond. You may call me whichever you want, but I prefer Steven."

"I'm not a gem." Azurite corrected him, as he lowered his hand down, and could finally take a look at this kid. He looked exactly like in the message from two months ago.

"Oh." Steven said in response, eyeing Azurite, "That's the first time when we have a visitor that isn't a gem."

"Well, I feel honored to be the first one." Azurite said, before adding, "And before you ask me about my spieces. I'm a Zaran." 

"Zaran? I've never heard about your species before." Steven pointed out.

"My spieces is a very rare one. I may be one of it's last representatives." Azurite said, doing his best to sound as believable as he could.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Steven said as Azurite just shrugged his shoulders at it, "What's your name?" 

"...Yondu." Azurite replied, and immediately cursed himself mentally for picking up this name. He could only imagine how Quill would react if he found that he used the name of someone who was like a father to him to hide his real identify from the people he came across during a contract.

"It's nice to meet you, then, Yondu." Steven said, extending his hand for a handshake. At first, Azurite hesitated, but eventually shook his hand, "May I ask why have come here?"

"I have a friend from this planet, his name is Peter Quill, and his birthday is coming and I thought about coming to this town, and find a good gift to him." Azurite explained. This excuse was very simple. He knew that a child would come up with an excuse like this, but it was better than telling them and he got lost and ended up on this planet. 

Besides, this excuse wasn't  exactly a lie. Even though, Quill's birthday was coming in a few months, he was already wondering about what to buy him. It would be a symbol of his gratefulness, because Quill and his crew gave Azurite a few gifts, telling him it was his birthday present, even though he told them that he doesn't celebrate birthdays.

But he didn't mind that. The bomb he got from Rocket or a glove that was forming a myst around it's user he got from Gamora and Quill or two hooks that he was using to drag away the enemies who were harder to beat away from him, so he had bigger chance in defeating them he got from Drax were really useful.

"He lives in space?" Steven asked. 

"Yeah, but believe me, he really enjoys living in space. He lived there for most of his life." Azurite answered.

"That's good for him. Everyone should live in a place where they feel at home." Steven stated.

Azurite bit his lips at those words, not really knowing what to say back to him. 

"May I ask why are your covering your forehead?"  Steven asked, noticing Azurite's silence.

"No. That is none of your concern." Azurite quickly replied, the tone of his voice having a hint of anger.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to anger you." Steven said back, assuming that it must've been a sensetive subject for Azurite, unaware that it was hiding his gem.

"It's okay. It just, this is a really sensitive topic for me. It just brings some bad memories to me" Azurite told him as Steven nodded his head in understanding.

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