The Battles of Wakanda and Titan

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If Orange Pearl honest with herself, things were never that tense in Little Homeworld as they were now. The message Steven and Azurite broadcasted across all of the gem colonies did it's jobs and many gems who decided to join the fight started arriving in Little Homeworld. Many of them arrived there by using warps but some of them arrived in their ships, like the ships from Homeworld which were going to take them to the Infinity Stones if Garnet will receive the coordinates from Azurite, or the human zoo with every Amethyst and Jasper there ready to fight, even Holly Blue Agate decided to help them even though she was known as one of the gems who weren't a fan of Era 3, but it didn't seem to matter when there was a guy who wanted to wipe out half of all life in the universe.

Even Steven's friend Connie came here to help them. She was informed about this situation by Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst and immediately agreed to help them.

Many of them were currently preparing themselves for the fight and Orange Pearl was one of them. She swung her fists around at the invisible target Azurite has been teaching her how to fight for a few months now, and she knew that she had to be ready. She knew she was better at fighting than she was when Azurite started teaching her everything he knew about, because he and the other told her about it many times, but she knew that it was going to be something much different than her daily lessons.

She stopped her traning when she heard a familiar voice. She turned to the source of it and saw Centi, who was standing beside Terra and Cotta in the clothes she never saw her wear before. She assumed it must've been her battle clothes, or something like that. Her green friend said something to the two members of her crew that made them flinch, before walking away from their captain.

"Ouch." Orange Pearl said as she approched Centi, causing the said gem to turn around to her, "You didn't had to go that hard on them, you know?"

"I know, and I'm sorry about that Orange. I want them to be ready for whatever is going to happen. I've been their captain for so long, and I feel like I need to protect them at any price. I just care a lot about them, you know?" Centi said, rubbing the back of her head nervously.

Orange Pearl chuckled, giving Centi a quick pat on her shoulder, "Of course I know that, Centi. You're one of my closest friends. Besides you're just doing your job as their captain."

Centi have her a small smile, which faded just a second after. There was something she was holding inside of herself for a while now, and she wanted to let it out of her chest, "Do you know what has been on my mind for a while, Orange?"

Orange Pearl shook her head, "Nope."

"I've been having this thought on the back of my head for a while now, and now that we may head to the battle at any moment, I feel like I need to talk with someone about it." Centi explained.

"Tell me if you want to. You know that you tell me everything." Orange Pearl assured her.

Centi nodded her head. She let out a short sigh, as she started, "...Sometimes I wonder if I deserve all of this. Life here, friends, crew who cares about me." 

"...What?" Orange Pearl asked, not understanding why Centi would think like that, "Centi you're one of nicest gems I know. Why do you think like that?"

Centi let out another sigh, ''They're my crew and I'm their captain. That's how it always has been. But, sometimes I wonder why I was choosen to be their captain. We are all the same, but no matter how many times I think about, there's always one thing I'm certain about. I need them and they need me. Maybe that's why they were waiting for me for all those years when we were corrupted. Maybe they needed a leader. They trust me, after all... and I'm not going to forgive myself if something happens to them, again."

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