The Start of a New Life?

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Azurite didn't know where he was, or what was happening. He found himself levitating in a black endless place, which was replaced after a minute of two with a huge battlefield. There was a huge warship flying above it.  He immediately recognized this ship. It was when Thanos' cleansed Konoritos. It was Sanctuary 2.

He levitated above the battlefield, noticing many people he didn't knew, but he stopped in the moment when he was himself  swinging his arms around into the nearest Outriders, as Shi'ra stood proudly by his side, slicing every down Outrider and Chitauri that rushed at her down with her spear.

However, Shi'ra wasn't the only person he knew that was present on this battlefield. Most of The Guardians of the Galaxy were there as well. Azurite also noticed Gamora wasn't standing by their side. She actually was nowhere to be seen, and he didn't know why.

Suddenly, he found himself levitating in a black space, once again, only difference from the last time was a small field which showed him, Shi'ra and The Guardians fighting off their enemies, which became invisible for some reason, then all of them stopped, like something terrible had happened, and it made them stop fighting. 

An idea of what could have happened appeared in his mind when Mantis disintegrated into ash right in front of their eyes and there was nothing they could do. He reached his hand down at the place where she just stood a moment ago, causing him to levitate down on the field.

He touched her ashes, but he couldn't feel them. He was like an ghost, and he cursed himself mentally for not realizing it sooner.

As if the situation wasn't bad enough, he looked around himself to see Drax, slowly turning into ash as well, which was followed by Quill and Groot slowly sharing the same fate as Mantis and Drax did.

He watched how he, Shi'ra and Rocket couldn't do nothing about it but stare in horror at what was happening in front of them, as the scenery has once again changed into the same battlefield as before. 

All of them were staring at person that stood in front of them. In front of them stood The Mad Titan himself and all four members of Black Order stood proudly by his side.

There was one more thing that Azurite noticed about Thanos. All of the Infinity Stones were shining in the golden gauntlet which was on right hand.

Azurite woke up with a gasp as he sat straight up on his bed, breathing heavilly. It was actually a while since he had a nightmare like that. It must've been caused by yesterday events when he had to bring up Thanos' name several times, which included him telling Steven and Spinel what happened on Konoritos.

When he finally calmed himself down, he got off his bed, and moved across his new house, and stopped until he saw Spinel and Jasper.

"Morning to you two." He greeted them, rubbing his eyelids.

"Hi, Azzie!" Spinel greeted him back, "How was your sleep?"

Azurite's mind flew to the nightmare he had, before replying, "It was nice. Sleeping is refreshing. You should try it, both of you." 

"I think I'll pass. I like being aware all the time." Jasper said back.

"Your loss then." Azurite said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Then, there was a knock on the doors, as Spinel said, "It must be Steven. He came here about thirty minutes ago, but I told him that you were sleeping."

Spinel made her way over to the doors, and opened them, revealing Steven, "Azurite. You're awake! How was your sleep?"

"It was good. The bed in my room is really comfortable." Azurite's answer was short and quick.

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