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Asgard 2013

Thor, Rocket and Amethyst sent a quick look towards Loki's cell as they stealthily made their way out of the Asgardian prison. The God of Mischief didn't even saw them. He layed on his bed as his eyes were on the ceiling of his cell. A rather bored expression was on his face as he tossed an object up to the ceiling, simply having nothing else better to do in his cell.

The moment the team consisting of the God of Thunder, a talking raccoon and a gem entered the royal palace of the kingdom of Asgard, the two latter ones were able to see Thor's homeworld for the first time. Starting with beautiful architecture, then going to the dresses and suits the Asgardian women and men wore, or even the armor the guards were clenched in was something worth admiring. 

Amethyst and Rocket, neither of them really focused on how Asgard looked in it's glory, before it was destroyed by Ragnarok to get rid of Hela, because they had a task that they had to focus on. But Amethyst knew a certain gem that would adore this place if she found herself here. She sighed at the thought of her fellow Crystal Gem admiring this place. Pearl would definitely fall in love with this place if she found herself here.

But there was someone on their team that was clearly uncomfortable about being here. That someone was of course Thor Odinson. Too many memories of what happened to his home went through his mind as they snuck through the hals of the royal palace. The memory of his father banishing him, his brother betraying him, his mother dying at the hands of the dark elf, him having to cause Ragnarok to kill his sister, which resulted in the complete destrucion of Asgard, and when the thought that they were finally safe, Thanos attacked them. He still remembered the talk he had with his brother about everything starting to work out for them just moments before Thanos and his goons attacked the refugee ship.

No one in the halls of the royal palace saw them as Rocket made sure that his team would snuck in without anyone spotting their presence. Having Amethyst and Thor with him made it quite harder than usual, but he managed. Amethyst wasn't causing much trouble with sneaking through the palace because she was not much taller than the talking raccoon. There were much troubles with Thor, because despise him being more overweight, him having more overgrown hair and beard, him overally having less goodly appearance than all those years ago, the God of Thunder was still recognizable and they had to watch out with it.

The group stopped by a pillar, gazing towards Jane and an Asgardian woman that led her to her room.  Jane thanked the woman for bringing her to her room, before shutting the doors, disappearing from their sight.

Thor waited until the Asgardian that brought Jane to her room walked away before confirming who it was to Rocket and Amethyst, "That's Jane."

''All right. Here's the deal, guys." Rocket said as Amethyst's and Thor's eyes went to the talking raccoon, a small syringe was in his palms, He hopped off the stone railing and held the syringe up towards Thor, "You're gonna charm her, Amethyst is going to hold her down with her whip and I'm gonna poke her with this thing."

"And we're going to borrow the Reality Stone and leave." Amethyst finished for him.

Rocket pointed the syringe at her, "That's right."

Amethyst nodded her head as she summoned her whip, wanting to get this mission done as fast as she could. She knew that no matter time they spent here, one minute would pass in their times, but if it was the opportunity to see Steven, Pearl, Bismuth, and the others again, then it had to work, "Let's do this."

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