This is it

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About half an hour after waking up, the man who was introduced himself as Thor Odinson to the Guardians was sitting on a stool with grey blanket draped over his shoulders. Thor had explained what had happened to his home planet which eventually lead him to the point where he told them about Thanos arriving and taking the Space Stone from them, before he was interrupted by Gamora.

"The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal. To bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre..." Gamora was cut off by Drax.

"Including my own." He cut in, "And a friend of ours. While it wasn't his home planet, it was a place where he had finally felt accepted for what he was."

"If he gets all of the Infinity Stones, he can do it with the snap of his fingers, just like that." Gamora continued, as if Drax didn't say anything, as she snapped her fingers to clarify her point 

"You seem to know a great deal about Thanos." Thor remarked.

"Gamora, is the daughter of Thanos." Drax explained.

Thor slowly looked up at Gamora, as he glared at her. He stood up and slowly made his way to Gamora, "Your father killed my brother."

"Oh, boy." Quill said quietly as he stepped forward, trying to defuse the situation, "Stepfather, actually. And she hates him as much as you do.''

Thor seemed to soften up a bit as he clapped Gamora on her shoulders, "Families can be tough. Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister." He was now talking with Gamora as if they had been friends for a long time, as if he didn't want to do something for her because of her father did to Loki, Heimdall and all those other people in the Asgardian Refugee Ship, "That he imprisoned in Hell. Then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye.''

"And I feel your pain as well." Quill stated, trying to look more manly in front of his crew, after the comments they made after seeing Thor for the first time, "I mean, it's not a competition, but I've been through a lot." When he was continuing, Gamora just walked away from him, Rocket rolled his eyes, and Thor just ate his soup, "My father killed my mother and then I had to kill my father, that was hard. Probably even harder than having to kill a sister. Plus, I, came out of it with both of my eyes...''

Thor shook his head, eyeing the spoon, as he cut in, not paying attention to everything Quill just said, "I need a hammer not a spoon." He began fiddling with the machinery attached to one of the escape pods, "How do I open this thing? Is there some sort of a four-digit code maybe... maybe a birth date or something..."

"What are you doing?" Quill asked, concerned that he was fiddling with his ship.

"Taking your pod." Thor responded.

Quill cleared his throat, "No, you're not!" He said, doing his best to mimic Thor's accent, "You'll not, be taking our pod today, sir."

Rocket looked up at Quill, wanting to be sure if Quill was doing what he thought was he was doing, "Quill. Are you making your voice deeper?"

Quill shook his head and quickly denied it, "No."

"You are. You're imitating the god-man. It's weird." Drax stated.

"No I'm not." Quill denied it again.

Mantis gasped as she pointed at Quill, "He just did it again!"

"This is my voice!" Quill said, as he continued to make his voice deeper.

Thor finally noticed what was going on and stepped closer to Quill, "Are you mocking me?"

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now