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Azurite was accompanied by a rare feeling for him when he woke up from this slumber. When he woke up and knew that it was going to be a good day. Why? Because today was the day when Shi'ra was going to pay him a visit, and it would be the first time he saw her in person in a few months.

When he finally received a message that she's nearing Little Homeworld, he left his house, and was followed by Spinel and Jasper. Spinel was looking forward towards meeting Shi'ra and Jasper used her "I have nothing else to do" excuse, and Azurite didn't know if she meant it, or she wanted to go with them. He didn't care about it that much, because he had more important things to think about now.

A few minutes later, Shi'ra's ship came into their view, as she flew down to the landing spot which, next to the place where Azurite placed his ship, after Steven and Spinel conviced him to stay on this planet. The front door of the ship opened itself and Shi'ra came out of it, looking around her for a moment, before spotting Azurite who stood in a small crowd of gems that formed around the place.

Spinel was eyeing Azurite's friend since the moment she saw her walk out of the ship. She could finally how Shi'ra looked in person. She has seen her before on the picture, or when Shi'ra and Azurite shared a conversation with each other, but now it was the first time when she actually saw her in person.

Shi'ra looked almost the same as she did in the picture. She had white skin and her long black hair which was tied into a very long pony-tail was failing down her back. A good portion of her body her body was covered by a clothing which had elements of armor on it. The thing that stood out the most for her and all of ther gems was the fact that Shi'ra had the fact that her right hand was a metallic denture. She knew about that, but it still made her wonder how Shi'ra lost her real arm. Another thing that got her attention was that Shi'ra wasn't as small as she thought she'll be.  She also had a spear on her back, and a strange thing on her shoulder. It was a gun, or something like that. Spinel didn't know. She was going to ask her about that later.

"Shi'ra!" Azurite said, as he walked over to her, a smile growing on his normally stoic face.

"Azurite, you old bastard!" Shi'ra said. A smile began to grow on her face as well as Azurite stopped in front of her and they eyed each other for a moment.

"I can see why these two are friends." Nephrite whispered to Spinel, as she was one of the gems that decided to come over to what was going on, and saw that Shi'ra just like Azurite was using a very old ship.

"Didn't he said that she's small? She's as tall as him!" Jasper pointed out.

"You've gotten fat." Azurite stated, after a moment of eyeing Shi'ra.

"Oh, you're still trying to figure out how to make good jokes." Shi'ra retorted, shaking her head.

The two of them stared at each other for a moment, before bursting into laughter, and embracing each other tightly,

"It's so good to see again you in person." Shi'ra said, releasing Azurite from the hug.

"Same here. How long has it been? Three months?" Azurite nodded his head.

"Four." Shi'ra corrected him, as they slowly walked over to Spinel, Jasper and other gems, "You must be Spinel.''

Spinel nodded her head, "It's nice to see finally meet you in person!"

"The feeling is mutual." Shi'ra said to the pink gem with a small bow, before looking over at Jasper, assuming that this was other gem that Azurite mentioned in their talks, "And you are Jasper I presume."

"Yes." Jasper's confirmed as Shi'ra had a short laugh when she thought of something she found funny, "What?" 

"Oh, nothing, I just thought of something." Shi'ra answered.

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