Earth Part 2

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I'm sorry if this chapter is a little meh, it was supposed to set what is going to happen in the next chapter.

After he and Steven shared a meal together, Azurite decided to pay little a visit to Little Homeworld. He told him that he was wanted to get to know some of the gems, but his real reason behind it was because he wanted to get closer to one of the Pearls.

As for his opinion about his meal was that was nice, it wasn't the best thing he ever had, but he enjoyed every piece of it, and he actually found it quite hilarious that the gem who made his pizza forgot to cook the fish before putting it on his meal.

As for now, It's been two hours since he came to this Little Homeworld thing, and there was one thing that caught his attention when he started to spent time with the gems that lived in this town. That thing was that they all so happy all the time. There was only one time when he was truly happy in his life, but it was really short lived when you compare it to how long he lives.

His happiness was taken away from him, when the people who made him feel like he found something he's been looking for his entire life were taken away from him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

But he didn't hate his fellow gems who didn't know he was one of them, only because they were happy, and were enjoying their life. He's already been through that phase in his life. There was a long period of time in his life back when he was spending all of his time in his ship when he wanted to make all of them feel what he felt for his entire life, but now, he felt nothing towards them. They were just another spieces of many spieces of the universe, who would, sooner or later see that they aren't as safe as they thought they are.

"Yondu..." A voice which belonged to Bismuth called over to him, but he didn't respond, "Yondu! Yondu!"

"...What?" He asked with a shake of his head, "Oh, sorry. I just l lost myself in my thoughts." He explained as he was now spending time with Bismuth, Peridot, Lapis, Amethyst and Pearl. Garnet wasn't with them at this moment. Why? He didn't know. He didn't care. If something would go wrong, and he'd have to fight with them in order to his contract done, it would be one opponent less, "What were you saying?"

"I asked you if I can check the machete you've carrying on your back." Bismuth repeated what she was saying. For which time? Azurite had no idea.

"Sure." Azurite said as he took his machete off his back and handed it Bismuth, "Just be careful with it."

"I will. Don't worry." Bismuth assured as she began to examine his machete. A moment after she handed it back to him, and said, "It's nice. I can tell that you're taking care of it, and making sure that it's in a good shape."

"Thank you. It belonged to someone who was important to me. I wouldn't forgive myself if something would happen to it." Azurite explained.

"May I ask who was this person?" Pearl asked, still having the strange feeling inside of her that was telling her and she knew him from somewhere, but was doing good job at hiding it.

"Let's just say it was one of the reasons that made me believe that there aren't any good things in this world, but as you may remember the Guardians of the Galaxy made me believe, once again that there are good things in this world." Azurite said, the last part confused the gems.

"The Guardians of the Galaxy?" Lapis asked with raised brow.

"Oh, right. Quill's crew. That's how they are calling them." Azurite explained.

"Why are they calling them like that?" Lapis asked another question.

"You may take a guess on this." Azurite replied, finding that the answer was quite obvvious.

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