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"Five years ago, we lost. All of us."

The sun shined through the windows of the Avengers headquarters, sending arrays of light into the building, allowing them to spread across the floor of the headquarters.

It was when the door to the armory opened, and the group of the Avengers marched into the building, that was completely silent just a second.

''We lost friends... We lost family... We lost a part of ourselves.''

Steve Rogers lead the group of the Avengers, which consisted of humans, aliens, and gems alike, through the building, wearing the Quantum Suit, as his shield was resting on his forearm. His face was filled with pure determination. Natasha Romanoff walked behind him, confident expression on her face. Her hair tied into the ponytail that was falling down her back. Alongside her, Tony Stark, Scott Lang, Clint Barton and Nebula marched forward, all of them wearing the Quantum Suit.

''Today, we have a chance to take it all back."

Garnet and Amethyst followed the group as they were the next ones in the march of the Avengers. Garnet's visiors were covering her eyes, just like the Quantum Suit covered her entire body. A confident smile formed on Amethyst's face as she walked by her side. Jasper and Peridot were right behind them, the orange gem and green gem walked side by side. Jasper marched proudly in her Quantum Suit, her helmet was already on her head. Peridot's Quantum Suit shielded her Arc Reactor, as the small green gem adjusted her visiors, a determined expression on her face. This was the chance all of them were asking for these 5 years, and they had to make it work.

''Get the stones, get them back."

Azurite and Shi'ra marched by each other sides, their bodies covered with the Quantum Suit. Azurite summoned his claws a moment before stepping out from armory, and they were already resting on his fingers, as Shi'ra's plasma casters, old and new alike rested on her shoulders. Rocket Raccon marched between them, the talking raccoon willing to do all he could to bring the only family he ever had back. Right behind them, Thor Odinson, James Rhodes and Bruce Banner marched at the end of the group. The final end to the brave souls willing to take that jump. To try the chance that was given to them.

''One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know.''

The teams were set. The time machine was ready. They all reached the Quantum Tunnel and walked up the pathway to stand on its center. Everyone took a moment to observe one another, to take note of every team and every Avenger present. The largest team was Steve and Tony's. They were, in total, Captain America, Iron Man, Ant-Man, Hulk, Garnet, Azurite, Peridot and Jasper. Their mission lied with the most Infinity Stones, so they needed the numbers.

Next to them, the smaller team consisting of Thor, Rocket and Amethyst stood ready for the time heist they've been preparing for these past few days. Their mission would lead them to the home of the God of Thunder to the time when Reality Stone happened to to stuck in the body of Thor's former love, Jane Foster.

Right by their side stood the smallest team at the ready, just like everyone else. Black Widow and Hawkeye were side by side. The best friends meeting the eyes of Captain America and Iron Man. Their mission was to the Soul Stone. They had to acquire by any means necessary, no matter what.

The final team consisted of James Rhodes, Nebula and Shi'ra, each of them standing proudly in their Quantum Suits, which even managed to overcome Rhodey's War Machine armor. Their mission was The Temple of the Power Stone in 2014 on a planet called Morag. When they would find the Orb, then they would find the Power Stone.

''But it doesn't mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. Today you're a team, all of you. You're all Avengers. This is the fight of our lives. And we're gonna win. Whatever it takes." Steve said with a nod directed at Iron Man. Tony Stark smirked to him, watched as Steve sent that same promise to the rest of his team. To every Avenger willing to take that risk, "Good luck."

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now