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Steve Rogers and Garnet thankfully made their way out of the Stark Tower without anyone else spotting their presence which avoided them having to fight someone else than just Captain America from the past. They were heading  towards the alleyway where they were supposed to met up with Tony, Scott, Peridot and Azurite, who hopefully acquired the Tesseract without having to deal with as many troubles as they did with the scepter.

The aftermath of the Battle of New York took its toll on the city, the streets were filled with destroyed cars and shattered buildings. Dead Chitauri were scattered about everywhere, but other than that, there were no other lives present, at least for now. The streets were completely empty, but both of them knew that the populace of New York would came out to help pick up the pieces and clean the streets sooner or later.

"Uh, Cap, three eyes." Tony's Stark voice called over as they turned around to it and saw Stark, sitting in a destroyed car with Peridot sitting on the front seat next to him, and Azurite and Scott sitting in the back seats, ''We got a problem."

Scott let out a bittersweet chuckle, "Yeah, we do.''

"What do you mean?" Steve raised his brow.

"We've come across a little complication in our job." Peridot added.

"A little complication?" Azurite asked her, "I wish I could call it a little complication."

They told them everything about they needed to know. They told them how they were that close acquiring the Space Stone to the point where Azurite and Peridot were taking it out of the main lobby of the Stark Tower, but then the Hulk slammed through the doors of the flight of stairs which resulted in the two gems dropping the briefcase, and Loki escaping with the stone the second after it landed before his feet.

The silence filled the entire alleyway after they told the story to Steve and Garnet. Rogers just stood next to the the fusion who stood with the scepter in her hands. Scott paced back and forth. Tony remained in the car. Azurite and Peridot got out of the car and leaned against it, both of them having had their arms crossed and defeated expressions overcame their facial features.

''...Well, what are we gonna do now?" Captain America spoke up to them.

"I don't know, captain. I just got hut in the head with the Hulk, or Bruce, I don't know even how should I call him." Azurite stated,  cursing himself for losing the stone when they were so close to acquring it.

"Me too." Peridot added, nodding her head, having been hit in the head with the Hulk as well.

''You said that we had one shot!" Scott exclaimed, moving his glance between everyone in his team, "This was our shot. We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing. Six stones or nothing..."

Tony looked up at Scott and pointed at him, "You're repeating yourself, you know that?"

Ant-Man looked at Iron Man, as he retorted, "You're repeating yourself! You're repeating yourself!" 

Tony rolled his eyes at Scott's retort, so did Peridot, Steve looked away for a moment, Azurite sighed, shaking his head and Garnet remained stoic.

''Dude, come on." Stark told him, unamused by his retort.

Lang continued, ignoring Tony's comment, and everyone else reaction, ''You never wanted a time heist, you went on board with the time heist..." He gestured towards every other member of the team that tried to acquire the Tesseract, "You ruined the time heist."

"Is that what I did?" Tony asked him.

"Are you really placing blame here?" Azurite asked Scott.

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now