Visiting Homeworld

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Azurite couldn't remember the last time when he was that nervous as he walked through the streets of Little Homeworld, walking closely behind Steven and Spinel who he assumed were taking him to the gems he fought with just not that long ago. He could the eyes of the gems on him and he had to admit that it made him really uncomfortable since he wouldn't call himself a gem that likes to be in center of attention.

When they finally made their way to Steven's friends,  he heard one of them say to Steven that he managed to convice Azurite to return, to which he told them that he'll explain them everythying. Azurite assumed that he was going to tell them everything he told him about Thanos. After that, he turned to him and Spinel, and told them that they'll be back in a few minutes.

Azurite just watched them leave, before looking for a place where he could sit, because he didn't want to stand for the whole time Steven was talking with them. He spotted a house that was nearby, and made his way towards it, before sitting down on the  ground, leaning against the wall.

He just sat there, not paying attention to anything around him for a few moments, before Spinel walked over to him, and sat down, next to him.

"You know what was on my mind, Spinel?" He asked her after a moment, trying to start a conversation with her as Spinel hummed, showing him that she was listening to him, "If Steven was not there at the moment when It was revealed that I'm on one of you, after you made me unable to continue the fight, they'd all let me leave and never look back, not that I blame them for doing so." 

"Because, you were hurting, and I know how it feels. I know how it is to be alone." Spinel explained.

"What?" Azurite asked, suprised by the answer, "What happened to you?"

Spinel sighed, "You really want to know?"

"Well, I did told you my story, even though I didn't wanted to do it." Azurite pointed out.

Spinel nodded her head, as she began explaining everything to him. Starting with how Pink Diamond abandoned her for 6 thousand years, making her think that it was just a game, how she saw her Steven's message, how she went to Earth to take out her anger, and how it ended up with the Diamonds taking her to Homeworld, and when it seemed like she was doing much better now, they gave me an option. if she wanted to stay with them on Homeworld, or go and try to have a like on Earth. He already guessed that she choose the latter one.

Azurite, clearly suprised by what he just heard, debated what to say to her for a moment, before saying, "You know. Pink Diamond was the only Diamond that I respected, but I think that the respect I had her just became much lower. I rob, and kill people for money but leaving someone in a place for a thousands of years, telling her it just a game, makes me look a damn saint." He said as his mind was trying to process what he just heard. Was she really left alone in the garden for a few thousand years, and no one even bothered to take her from there?, "I'm sorry that it happened to you."

"That's why, If you're going to need a friend. You can count on me." Spinel said, giving him a pat on his back.

Azurite allowed himself to smile, which was something he wasn't doing often these days. It wasn't forced, it was just a genuine smile, of gratefulness "Thanks."

Spinel smiled back at him, and she opened her mouth to say something, but she paused for a moment when she saw Steven and the other gems heading their way, "Look. They're back."

Azurite turned towards the direction Spinel was gesturing to, and saw Steven, walking towards them with the gems by his side, "I think I should apologize to them for you know what." he stated.

"It's going to be a good start." Spinel said with a nod of her head, giving him an encouraging smile, as they stood up from the ground, and made their way over to Steven.

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