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Tony Stark gripped the building as he was scanning through the of the Stark Tower. He wasn't alone. Scott Lang was with him as he was shrunk down on Stark's shoulder. In this position,  Scott Lang had a chance to take a good look at the aftermath of Loki's Odinson's invasion. Dead Leviathans layed on the top of the building, some of them experiencing massive destruction, some of them don't. The streets were filled with destroyed vehicles, trees, and many other things. Scott may have heard about the Battle of New York, and had seen some photos and videos from this day where the Avengers saved the Earth, but seeing it by his very own eyes made his day even more disturbing to him.

The other Avengers were readying themselves to take the two stones that were in this building at this moment as well. Steve Rogers was already in the Stark Tower and in position. Garnet was in her position as well, waiting in the place where she was going to met up with Captain America after the first Avenger will retrieve the scepter with the Mind Stone. Azurite and Peridot were in their position as well, on the ground floor of the tower, right in the main lobby of the building, both of them changed their clothes into S.H.I.E.L.D armor.

Stark zoomed forward and was able to take a look at the moment when he along with the past version of his fellow Avengers confronted the God of Mischief in defeated and beaten state. After the portal was blown and Tony had blown up the Chitauri that were going through it, all they had to was to get Loki and hand him over to Thor who was going to take him to Asgard, where he'd receive a proper punishment for his actions.

''Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here." Tony told Captain America through his comms.

"Got it. I'm approaching the elevator now." Steve Rogers' response sounded in Stark's ears.

"Are you in position, three eyes?" Tony then called over to Garnet to be sure if the fusion was in the position or not.

"I am." Garnet responded.

"Peri, Az?" Tony called over to the last members of his team.

Azurite quickly answered, "We're in.

"We're waiting for you two come down here with the briefcase." Peridot added.

Tony nodded his head to everyone's confirmations of being in the positions they were assigned to in their missions as he dropped off the building he was holding into and flied over to the shattered window of the Stark Tower. The moment he set his foot in the building, he pressed his Arc Reactor and his armor disappeared from his body in just a matter of a second. Taking the cover behind the nearest wall, Stark was observed how the past version of him and other five Avengers confronted Loki.

The God of Mischief weakly pushed himself up the ground and stared up at all six Avengers, weakly declaring, ''If it's all the same to you... I'll have that drink now."

The Incredible Hulk grunted to Loki's comment as the past version of Tony Stark broke off from the rest of the group, heading towards the elevator in his heavilly damaged Iron Man suit, "All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up."

Stark watched how Thor slapped a pair of Asgardian cuffs on his brothers wrists before pulling him back to his feet, before smirking, when he eyes went over to Captain America and went lower, ''Uh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass."

Steve's answer to Tony's statement quickly came in the comms, "No one asked you to look, Tony."

''It's ridiculous." Tony stated, shaking his head a little, his eyes still on Cap's lower 

"I think you look great captain. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass." Scott said as he rised up on Stark's shoulder, giving a salute.

"Okay, can we stop talking about Steve's beautiful ass and just focus on the mission?" Azurite asked, but didn't got any answer from everyone the in team, which obviously confused him, "What?"

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now