Era 4

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Azurite sighed as he gazed through the front windows the Guardians ship as it was slowly approaching Beach City. Nebula and Rocket offered to take him, Garnet, Jasper, Shi'ra, Peridot and Amethyst back to Little Homeworld, and they accepted their offer. The Avengers were planning to keep the world from falling apart even more, and they were going to do their part by keeping everything in Homeworld from falling apart and more importantly all of them were wondering how they were going to tell them that Thanos destroyed the stones, which pretty much destroyed their only change of bringing everyone back.

When the ship was finally landed in front of Little Homeworld, everyone could see a group consisting of Centi, Biggs Jasper, Orange Spodumene, Bixbite, Zebra Jasper, Cherry Quartz, Little Larimar, and some other Peridot that was unknown for some of them, but Peridot, Garnet and Amethyst knew who she was slowly approaching their ship. The hatch slowly lowered itself down and Azurite, Shi'ra, Garnet, Jasper, Peridot and Amethyst stepped out of the ship, with Nebula and Rocket walking behind them.

"Guys!" Centi's voice called over to them, coming over to them, "You're back!"

"We've been with the Avengers for over three weeks now, we felt like it's time to come back here." Garnet answered.

They all nodded their heads in understanding, before noticing that Jasper and Peridot came back with them. Lapis Lazuli didn't came back with them, but they knew they didn't had to ask them about what happened with her. Answer was pretty obvious to them. The group that had just arrived in Little Homeworld split up into small groups with the gems from Little Homeworld to have a talk with them, but all six of them knew that it just to prepare themselves to tell them the terrible news they brought with them.

Centi went to talk with Azurite, Shi'ra and Jasper, and the first thing she did was giving Jasper a quick hug, "It's good to see you again."

"I'm glad to see you too, Centi." Jasper said with a nod her head, offering her a small smile. Nebula and Rocket were staying in the background, not saying anything.

"I thought you were gone. Days were passing and you, Peridot and Lapis weren't coming back." Centi stated. "But I'm glad I was wrong."

''Shi'ra' ship was destroyed, and the Guardians' ship was in a bad shape. We were lucky that Danvers found us." Jasper explained, as Centi titled her head to the right, having no idea who was the person Jasper mentioned, but before she could ask her about it, Shi'ra spoke up.

"Centi, how are you doing with what happened recently?" The Kratai asked the former corrupted gem.

Centi looked down, "I'm trying to deal with that happened. This is what they would want me to do."

Shi'ra nodded her head in understanding, before asking her another question, "What about Terra. How is she doing?"

"She doesn't talk with anyone, stays in her room for most of the time. I tried to talk with her countless times but she tells me that she wants to be alone." Centi answered, letting her down. Terra was the only she had left from her crew and she wanted to talk with her, help her. It would be good for both of them.

Shi'ra put her hand on Centi's shoulder, comfortingly,"Give her time, she'll come out eventually, and when she'll do, she is going to need her captain."

"I know." Centi said, giving her a quick nod of her head in response, "I'm just worried about her."

"Oh, it's you..." Peridot spoke up, as she went over to the other Peridot, "Squaridot."

"Peridot." Squaridot, offering her fellow Peridot a quick nod of her head. She wasn't a fan of the nickname Steven gave her, but everyone just started using it, so she went along with it.

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