The Decimation

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Lila Barton firmly gripped her bow tightly as she was was aiming it towards the target. Her father, and a retired Avenger Clint Barton was holding up a few arrows while mentoring his daughter how to use a bow.

''Okay, hold on. Don't shoot. You see where you're going?" The retired Avenger asked his daughter.

"Mhm." Lila nodded her head in response.

''Okay, now let's worry about how you get there." Clint told her as he corrected his daughter's foot to the proper position, and adjusted her shooting stance, ''Here. Can you see?" 

''Yeah." Lila answered.

"You sure?" Clint wanted to be sure.

''Mhm." Lila assured him, nodding her head.

Clint smirked at the idea that just popped into his mind. He pushed Lila's hair in front of her face while covering her left eye, "How about now?... Alright. Ready your fingers.

''Hey, you guys want mayo or mustard, or both?" Laura's Barton's voice sounded in their ears.

''Who wants mayo on a hotdog?" Lila asked her father.

''Probably your brothers." Clint replied, jokingly as he turned to look at his wife, "Uh, two mustard, please! Thanks, mama.''

Laura nodded her head, as she turned her attention towards her youngest child, Nathaniel who was playing baseball with his brother, "Nathaniel, mayo or mustard?"

"How about ketchup?" Nathaniel asked, taking neither of the options offered to him.

''Mind your elbow." Cline instructed his daughter, who readied herself before releasing the arrow and it hit the target directly in the middle of the target. A perfect bullseye, "Hahaha! Good job, Hawkeye!" He smiled down at his daughter. It looked like all the training paid off. That, and his daughter actually took his advice to heart. He held his hand to her and they high-fived, "Go get your arrow."

Lila nodded her head and made her way over to the target to get the arrow.

''Hey guys! Enough practice, soup's on!" Laura called over to them again.

"Alright, we're coming; we're hungry." Clint responded with a nod of his head, as he turned around to where his daughter was supposed to be standing, but much to his suprise no one was standing there. His smile faded away alone as all he could see of his daughter was her bow, lying the grass, not noticing ashes flying away alongside the wind.

He took a step forward, looking behind a tree, excepting her to be standing there, but there was nothing there, "Lila? Honey?"

He didn't received any response. The barn, that was the nearest place where Lila could have ran off was locked, so this wasn't an option. He took a step backwards, and called out for his wife, "Hey, babe?!"

The retired Avenger's eyes peered to the picnic table where his wife and two sons were supposed to be sitting by, but they weren't there, they just disappeared just like his daughter, "Babe!" He called over to his wife again, dropping the arrows on the ground and leaving it behind. It didn't matter to him, all he that he cared about now was his family. Family that wasn't here anymore, "Laura!"

He whistled, with panic growing bigger and bigger with each second, as his eyes were looking around across the fields around him, "Boys!"

He ran, heading directly at the picnic table to see a baseball bat and a glove that his sons were playing with on the ground, with ashes laying next to them. His darted towards a tray with food, it along the hot-dogs they were going to eat layed on the ground, next to the ashes that used to be his wife.

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