A day with Spinel

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It's been a little over a week since Shi'ra moved in with Azurite, Spinel and Jasper, and Spinel had to admit that she enjoyed having another roommate. She and her two other roommamates helped Shi'ra in helping some of her things from her ship into her new room in their house. She just like Azurite didn't had many things to move, but there were two things that got her attention. Those things were two barrels with a strange liquor, and when asked them what was that, she replied that it was something she liked to drink only on special occasions.

As for Shi'ra and Azurite's mission to upgrade their ships. It took them a few hours to do it, and even with Peridot's help after she offered to help them. When they thought that they were finally done with the job of installing this upgrade, they tested it and it worked, making both of them relieved that their hard work paid off.

Shi'ra was really open towards seeing what the Earth had to offer. Steven, just like he did with her, Azurite and Jasper took Shi'ra to a trip around Little Homeworld to show her around what she could in her free time. There were some things she was more skilled at, and what got Spinel's attention was the fact that Shi'ra was really skilled it crafting. She started to learn how to craft her own things since she came to this planet, and while she still wasn't the best at it, she was getting better with each lesson. She asked Shi'ra if she could teach her, which she accepted, making Spinel really happy.

The thing that made her even happier was the fact that Jasper was finally opening herself up to the others. For most of her time on Earth, she just stuck mostly to her and Azurite, eventually sharing a word with or two with them, but not it seemed like it was getting better when it came to her case.

But there was still one roommate that was still keeping himself away from most of the gems and humans.


Even though his closest friend arrived on this planet, and was staying on it longer than it was originally planned, he still was keeping himself away from most of gems and humans. He still kept himself close to himself, with her, Shi'ra and Jasper being the majority of persons he talked with. While he attended some of the exercises in Little Homeworld, he was still keeping himself away from the others.

When Spinel asked Shi'ra about that, she told her that she just has to give him time and that he'll eventually come out to the others. Spinel knew that Shi'ra was right, but she didn't know how long it'll actually take. Spinel remembered what happened on Konoritos and wanted to help Azurite, just like others helped her when she needed it.

She was planning to take him out to the town today, mostly to Funland. She asked Shi'ra where Azurite was and the huntresses informed her that Azurite went to Garnet's yoga class, one of the exercises in Little Homeworld that Azurite enjoyed doing.

A few minutes later, the gems that attended todays yoga class, which included, one Topaz, one Ruby guard, two Jaspers, one Nephrite from Nephrite's crew, and finally the gem she came looking for. 

"Hey, Azzie. What are you doing?" She asked him, approaching him.

"I'm standing on my head and talking to you." Azurite answered as if the answer wasn't obvious enough.

"Hey, Spinel!" Garnet' voice called over for Spinel, "You came here to join us?"

Spinel nodded her head, and a moment later got herself in the yoga position that Garnet, Azurite and other gems were now, and was about to whisper something to her, but he cut off her by saying, "We're talk once this thing is over, okay?" 

"Okay." Spinel answered.

And so she waited, she waited for the yoga class to be over. Luckily for her she didn't have any problems with any positions Garnet came up with, mostly because she could extended her limbs to any length she wanted.

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