Another day on Earth

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I'm sorry if this chapter is meh.

Orange Pearl gritted her teeth as she ducked a blow from Azurite. She charged at him, but instead of attacking at the front, she decided to attack him from the behind. That was her plan until Azurite's fist slammed against her body, knocking her down the ground.

"You have to be faster than that." He said, offering his hand to her, "You're getting better with each lesson but you still have a lot to learn."

"I know." Orange Pearl said with a nod of her, before accepting Azurite's hand, allowing him to lift her up. She turned around to the crate and added, "Spinel didn't came here today."

"She was watching me train you since we began our sessions. I'm certain that she has better things to do." Azurite stated, shrugging his shoulders.

"You're probably right..." Orange Pearl was cut off the middle of the sentence.

"Hey, Azzie! Orange!" The instantly recognized that voice. It was Spinel.

"Speak of the devil." Azurite said, as Spinel approached both of them.

"Hey, guys! Are you done with your daily lesson?" She asked them.

"It depends if Orange is done for today." Azurite answered, glancing over at Orange Pearl.

"What is it?" Orange Pearl asked Spinel.

"I'm trying to find gems for a baseball team." Spinel explained.

"A what now?" Azurite asked her.

"A base what?" Orange Pearl seemed to be confused as much as he was.

"An Earthy game. It is played between two opposing teams who take turns..." Spinel began explaining what a baseball was and when she was done with it a minute, or two later, Azurite and Orange nodded their heads, now understanding what that game is, "So, you're in? We need two more players to start a match." 

"I guess I can try it." Orange Pearl said. She liked trying new things.

"What about you, Azzie?" Spinel asked, turning to Azurite.

"Why not." Azurite said with a shrug of his shoulders. He didn't seem to have anything better to do now.

Spinel cheered, as she grabbed Azurite and Orange Pearl by their hands and lead them to the place where they were going to play this Earthy game.

Upon arriving there, Azurite saw that Jasper and Shi'ra were already there. A Kratai and a gem were chatting with each other with Shi'ra eventually having a laugh or two. There weren't the only ones there. Yellow Pearl, Blue Pearl and Pink Pearl were also present with Yellow and Blue having clothes which were in more sportish style instead of their normal ones. He then saw three more gem chatting with each other. One of those gems was Nephrite he met when he went along with Jasper and Spinel to move his belongings from his ship to his new home, and the other two were also Nephrites.

"Shi'ra! Jassie! I found two more gems to our team!" Spinel said, gesturing towards Azurite and Orange Pearl, as she, Azurite, and Shi'ra walked over to the said kratai and gem.

"Hey, you two." Shi'ra greeted Azurite and Orange Pearl, as she glanced over at Orange Pearl,  "How was your lesson?"

"It was great. Azurite said that I'm getting better with each lesson." Orange Pearl answered, to which Azurite nodded his head in agreement.

"If that's true, then how about we'll spar one day? I would like to test you out." Jasper offered.

"Spar? With you? You'd crush me." Orange Pearl stated. It was pretty obvious that Jasper was more experienced than her, and she'd win the fight easily, "Just like Azurite did with you when he flipped you over on your back."

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