Grateful Universe

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When Thanos opened his eyes, he found himself to be standing on an endless sea, looking at the water before him.

This water was everywhere. It was burning brighter than any form of light Thanos had ever experienced in his long life, but it wasn't causing any form harm to him. The clouds on the sky were like a orange fog. The sea he stood on rippled under his boots, the mix of crimson and orange was spreading further. The world in which he found himself in was limitless and completely empty of any form of life.

The Titan caught his breath, when he turned his look to his left hand and seeing it bare. There was no gauntlet. There was no stones. The pain he felt was gone after he snapped his fingers, every wound on him was healed and he actually felt like a new person now, the damage that was done by the gauntlet was gone. But when he lowered his left hand, glanced to what lied behind it, that pain returned.

A lone structure stood in the world of endless water. He narrowed his eyes. He had seen that structure before, and he especially remembered the figure standing before it. Completely alone, no one was by this persons side. It was a young girl, standing with her back facing him. He stopped at the view of her, looking at the red locks of her hair. Thanos nearly quivered where he stood, as tears were threatening to spill down his cheeks.

"Daughter." He finally called over to her.

The little girl began to turn around at the sound of his voice calling over to her, and when she finally did, if he had any second thoughts about who this person was, they all went away, disappeared, faded away. It was Gamora, his little Gamora, as young as she was one the day where he came across her during one of his cleansings, where he saved her.

"...Did you do it?" She asked him after a moment of staring at her father.

"Yes." He answered, giving a small, very small nod in response.

"What did it cost?" Gamora asked him another question.

"Everything." He responded, dropping his head.

"Was it worth it?" She asked him with a small pause, "...Father?"

She got no answer from him, he just lifted his head and stared at her in silence. Neither of them said anything. They just kept looking at each other.


"What did you do!?" Thor demanded to know, glancing from Thanos' arm at him, "What did you do!?"

Thanos said nothing, as he used the Space Stone to form a portal behind him and leave Wakanda, getting Stormbreaker off his chest as Thor just stood there, having no idea what Thanos had just done.

"Where is he?" Steven asked, approaching Thor with Captain America.

"Thor. Where did he go?" Cap added.

"Steve..." Steve, Steven and Thor, all three of them turned to the source of the voice and saw Bucky. They all stared at him in shock mixed with confusion when they saw his hand disintegrating into ash, before it consumed his whole body. Bucky's ashes fell on the ground and his rifle was the only thing left of him. Steve slowly walked over to his best friends ashes and touched them, as the realization of what was just happening came into his mind. He looked up at Thor and Steven who were staring in horror at what just happened to Bucky.

"Steven. What is this?" Steven could feel how his heart almost stopped when he heard Connie, already fearing the worst. Fearing that she may share the same fate as the Winter Soldier. His worries became true when he turned to Connie and saw her right hand disintegrating into dust, as she was staring at it with a confused expression on her face.

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now