Secret Santa

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Christmas was coming. Another one of Earthy holidays Azurite didn't understand. The streets of Little Homeworld were covered with snow which was failing since dawn.

Azurite was walking along the streets along with Shi'ra and Jasper, his boots leaving marks on the soft white powder. Steven called all of the residents of Little Homeworld to the city center, but he didn't told them why.

"Why did he called us there?" Shi'ra asked Azurite and Jasper.

"Don't ask me. I know as much as you do." Jasper answered with a shrug of her shoulders.

"Azurite? What about you?" Shi'r asked Azurite, turning towards him.

"Do you really have to ask?" Azurite told her, as if the answer wasn't obvious enough.

"Right... guess, we're going to find out in a moment." Shi'ra said.

"Guys! Over here!" All three of them instantly recognized this voice. They turned to the source of it to see Spinel, who was waving at them. Centi and Orange Pearl were standing by her side.

"Maybe they'll know something." Shi'ra stated.

"Shi'ra, Spinel is there. I'm certain she'll know the reason why he called us here." Jasper said to which Azurite nodded in agreement as the three of them made their way over to Spinel, Orange Pearl and Centi.

"Hey, guys." Orange Pearl greeted all three of them, as they reached them.

"Hey." Shi'ra greeted her back as Jasper and Azurite just nodded their heads to that.

"So, do you guys know what we're doing here?" Centi asked them.

"No." Azurite answered with a shook of his head.

"We thought you knew." Shi'ra explained.

"Well, Jasper. It looks like you were wrong about Spinel knowing the reason why he called us all of us here." Azurite said, a hint of smirk was on his face.

"Oh, be quiet." Jasper quickly shushed him.

"What? I'm just telling you." Azurite stated, to which Jasper rolled her eyes.

"You all may be wondering why I called you here." Steven began, as everyone focused his attention on him, "The reason why I called you here is if as most of you know, Christmas is coming and we're going to do a Secret Santa."

"Secret Santa?" Jasper asked with a raised brow, wanting to be sure if she didn't misheard it.

"What's that?" Azurite wanted to know to which Shi'ra nodded her head in agreement.

"I don't know." Spinel answered with a shrug of her shoulders, "Maybe we should as..."

Before Spinel could continue, a gem from the crowd. Her name was Orange Spodumene, asked, "What is Secret Santa?"

''...Guess we don't have to, now." Shi'ra stated.

In response to Orange Spodumene's question, Steven held up a basket filled with small pieces of paper and said, "Everyone pick a name from this basket. Whoever you get you have to get a gift for! But you can't tell who you're buying it. You can ask their friends for advice, but you can't ask the gem you drew. You can also tell your friends, as long as you didn't drew any of them."

"Oh..." Azurite responded to Steven's explanation, hoping he was going to get someone he knew.

"Oh, indeed." Jasper agreed with him, hoping she was going to get someone she knew.

"C'mon, guys! Let's get in the line!" Spinel told them, as all six of them slowly made their way to the line, with Azurite being the last one of them in the line.

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