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Azurite had to admit. Their return to Earth was quite eventful. At first, Steven brought him, Spinel and Jasper back to Little Homeworld, and while the gems weren't suprised to see the both, they all were suprised to see Jasper with them. Everyone except for Garnet, who had as stoic expression as ever. What got his attention when Steven announced that Jasper is going to be staying in Little Homeworld as well were Lapis' and Peridot's expressions. He could easily tell that these two, especially Lapis had some history with her, and it certaintly wasn't a pleasant one.

Then he had went back into the forest to get his ship and took it to the back side of Little Homeworld. For what purpose they made this space to be empty? Maybe they were planning to bring some ships to this planet? Azurite had no idea and didn't care about it. As long as his ship was safe, he was okay with it. 

As for this moment, Steven and the gems walked out of the house which they showed them him, Jasper and Spinel.

Azurite and Jasper both weren't fan of the idea of sharing house with someone, and it actually took some time for them to convice them to stay in the same house.

''I still can't believe that I'm going to be staying on this planet, but there's no way I'm going to share my house with you." Jasper said to Spinel and Azurite.

"Same here. I agreed to his offer to give myself a chance to start a new life on this planet, but he never said to me that I'm going to be roommates with the gems that I barely know." He said. He had nothing against Spinel, he even formed a sympathy towards her after he heard what happened to her, and despise his bad experiences with Jaspers, he didn't know how to feel about his other possible roommate, but living in the same house with the gems he barely know would get him some time to get used to, considering that there were days when he didn't talk with anyone.

"What about you?" Jasper asked.

"I'm okay with it." Spinel responded with a shrug of her shoulders.

"At least you're okay with it." Azurite said, as he walked up to the staircase, and began walking up the stairs, "I'm going to choose my room. You should choose one too."

As he walked up the stairs, and began walked towards one of the room, he could hear that Spinel and Jasper did as he told them to, and went to choose their room as well. This house had four big rooms, but it didn't took Azurite that long to choose one for himself. When Steven and the rest were showing them off this house, one room caught Azurite's attention. It wasn't the biggest one, or the smallest one, it was something in the middle of these two, and he liked that.

"This one is taken!" He shouted to Jasper and Spinel, before shutting the doors behind him. He walked over to the commode and took his... Aleena's machete off his back and gently put in on it. His hand then reached to his back, before taking his hooks off his back, and placing it on the commode next to Aleena's machete. It didn't took that long until his glove joined these two things on the furniture.

He stretched his arms in both sides, before walking over to his new bed. He laid down on it and tried to make himself comfortable. He had to admit that. This bed was very comfortable, and if he was going to sleep on it, which was most likely going to happen sooner or later, because he very enjoyed sleeping, it would be a good sleep. For the next 30 minutes, he just layed on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He even considered if he should call Shi'ra or the Guardians and tell them about what happened today, but he quickly declined that idea.

Then an idea of what he should do came into his mind, which resulted in him finally standing up from his bed. He made his way out of his room, and walked down the stairs towards the exit.

"Hey, Azurite!" He heard Spinel call his name.

"Yes, Spinel?" He asked her.

"Where are you going?" She asked him.

An Outcast (Steven Universe x Male Gem Reader x MCU)Where stories live. Discover now