The Truth

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After finding a mysterious ship in the forest, and finding out that the owner of it came here because he was paid to bring a Pearl to man who was known as The Collector, Spinel went  to Beach City as fast as she could, where she came across Steven, who seemed to be happy that she was in a much better state than she was the last time he saw her.

But before he could ask her why she came here, she asked him if he saw a ship, and he told her that he did, and even met the person that came here a few hours ago. She then took him to Azurite's ship and showed him everything she saw in there, and the real reason why Azurite came here in the first place.

As for now, Steven and Spinel sprinted through the streets of Little Homeworld as fast as they could. They had to find Azurite, and ask him if bringing a Pearl to this mysterious man known as The Collector was his true intention.

They finally saw him, with other gems. They were chatting with each other, but he didn't hear about what.

"Yondu!" He called for him, earning their attention.

"Hello, again, St... Who's that?" Azurite asked, eyeing the new gem.

"Spinel?" Amethyst said, looking at the gem that came here with Stevem.

"Who?" Azurite asked.

"What is she doing here?" Lapis added.

"I'll explain that later, but now I have a question to Yondu." Steven said, having his attention on Azurite.

"What is it?" Azurite wanted to know what was he going to ask him.

"Who's The Collector?" Steven asked, crossing his arms, his normally friendly expression turning into a small glare.

"...Oh, they know." Azurite thought to himself, in realization. This new gem must've somehow find I way inside his ship, where she found all the information about the contract he received from The Collector.

"I guess, there's no point in being discrete anymore, if you already know." Azurite said, standing up from his seat, "This man paid me to bring me a one of the Pearls to him."

"What? Why would you agree to do that?" Pearl asked, taking a few steps away from, and taking her spear out, in case if Azurite was going to attack them. Two Pearls who just heard the real reason why Azurite came here, hid themselves in the houses.

"I'm a mercenary, people pay me to do something for them." Azurite said, his voice was still calm, even though he became a little nervous, because his true intentions were now revealed, "And this collector wanted me to bring him a servant that doesn't age."

"Why would you take this contract?" Steven wanted to know.

"Because I have nothing to lose. There are very few people in the universe that would actually miss me." Azurite explained, his mind flew to Shi'ra and Quill's crew, or even to the bartender on Knowhere.

"It seems like you're going to disappoint him, then." Garnet said, as her gauntlets appeared on her fists.

"If you say so." Azurite just stretched his arms in both ways, before taking his machete off his back, and gently laying it down on the ground, to make sure nothing would happen to it.

"What? You're surrending because you're outnumbered?" Peridot asked, saying what was on some of their minds.

"No. I'm just distracting you." Azurite told them, as he pressed a button on his glove. The gems held their weapons in ready for battle, but much to their confusion, a myst formed around them, out of nowhere.

The gems prepared themselves for fight, as the myst slowly disappeared. They looked around themselves, trying to see where Azurite was, but suddenly they heard that something was failing from the sky. They looked up as Azurite dropped from the sky, aiming for Pearl, but Steven pushed him out of the way and blocked his boots with his shield. Peridot used her power to pick up a  few small metal objects, causing them to levitate above her, before pushing them towards Azurite, who was able to outrun each shot.

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