Preview for Endgame 2

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Inside of the Avengers headquarters, Bruce Banner spoke up, ''If we do this, we'd be going in shorthanded.''

Thor was sitting by the table, playing with a piece of bread in his hand, as his eyes turned to the left.

James Rhodes titled his head to the right.

"Yeah, you mean cause he killed all of our friends?" He asked.

Rain was falling down from the sky on Black Widow. She didn't care about it, and just stared down on the ground.

Steve Rogers was in the bathroom, looking at his reflection in the mirror.

Azurite was sitting on a couch, alone in a room, his eyes not leaving Spinel's necklace.

"It's not about how much we lost." Tony spoke up.

Nebula and Rocket both sat down on the hatch of the Guardians ship, holdings each other's hands as they mourned for the family they lost.

Tony and Pepper Potts shared a tearful hug together.

Garnet and Amethyst shared a tearful reunion with Peridot. 

Azurite and Shi'ra gave Jasper a sad smiles when she walked over to them, returning the smile, which faded a moment later.

"It's about how much we have left." He added.

Iron Man suit was flying through the city of New York, before stopping in front of a building.

Clint Barton was leaning against a door frame, offering someone a nod of his head.

Azurite, Garnet, Jasper, Shi'ra, Amethyst and Peridot were standing in front of a device which was showing them Captain America, Ant-Man and Black Widow, all three of them informing them about their recent finding.

Thor summoned Stormbreaker which flied right past Carol Danvers' shoulder. The latter one gave the God of Thunder a smirk in response.

"We're the Avengers. We gotta finish this." He continued.

Azurite, Shi'ra, Jasper, Amethyst, Garnet, Peridot, Captain America, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Rocket and Nebula all looked forward themselves at something.

"You trust me?" He asked.

Captain America and Iron Man were facing each other in the city of New York.

"I do."

They shook hands.

Rocket, Danvers, Azurite, Garnet, Jasper, Shi'ra, Amethyst, Peridot, Black Widow, Thor, War Machine, Banner and Captain America were all in the Guardians' ship, flying through space, ready for whatever was going to happen.

Tony looked down at an old picture of him and Peter Parker, both of them were unaware back then what was going to happen to the young Avenger.

"You could not live with your own failure..." Thanos started.

Sanctuary 2 was drifting through space.

Nebula, War Machine and Shi'ra were staring up at something, before Rhodey looked down at the cyborg.

"Where did that bring you?..." He added.

Thor was looking at something with horrified expression on his face.

Similiar thing was with Rocket and Amethyst, the talking raccoon and the purple gem staring up, in dread.

Steve was breathing heavily as he was on the ground, beaten, glancing over at his shield.

Ruby and Sapphire were laying on the ground, among the rubble, defeated, sharing a horrified look with each other.

A blue light appeared on the ground and out stepped the Mad Titan himself, wearing his entire armor and wielding a double sided sword.

"Back to me." He finished.

Thanos was sitting on a large rock among the rubble of a destroyed building as Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Azurite and Garnet were slowly making their way towards him.

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