The Real Hero

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"Everybody wants a happy ending, right?"

The world was celebrating. The world that was left in shambles after what had happened five years ago went back to being normal. Cities were repopulated, families found each other and shared a tearful reunion with each other, consisting of hugs and tears and kisses

"But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back, it's in celebration."

The festivity lasted an entire day. Parades of celebration marched through the streets, as everyone were simply happy of being able to see their families, friends again. People held the figures of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, people responsible for making all of this happen.

"I hope families are reunited, I hope we get it back, and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing."

Clint Barton walked through the hatch of a Quinjet as his children immediately rushed into his embrace. He wasted no time and returned their hug. They released their dad from the hug when their mother, Laura, approached them. Clint gazed into his wife's eyes, as she put his hands on his cheeks, before they shared a deep passionate kiss.

King T'Challa stood with his sister and his mother as they watched the Golden City of Wakanda together. They all smiled, hearing the cheers of victory for their victory while fireworks exploded in the sky, engulfing it in various colours.

Peter Parker walked through the hallways of his school when he spotted his best friend Ned in the distance. They smiled and approached each other before sharing a handshake, and a tight hug.

Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, and Cassie Lang all watched the fireworks from the porch of their house. Ant-Man wrapped his hand around the Wasp's shoulder, holding her tightly to himself as his daughter leaned against her father.

Steven and Connie pushed themselves into run when they caught the sight of their parents standing in the distance. Greg, and Connie's parents engulfed their children in a tight embrace, neither of them wanting to let go of their children. 

"God, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone, you know, to this extent."

All three Diamonds were doing a broadcast, informing the gems who didn't join them fight against Thanos about everything that had happened, and humans, gems and aliens who were responsible for bringing everyone back. They especially talked about the sacrifice of a certain human who saved the entire universe from Thanos' wrath.

Yellow Pearl, Pink Pearl, and Blue Pearl all stood next to each other, making sure everything was going to be broadcasted. A huge smile grew on Pink Pearl's face as she wrapped her hand around her fellow pearls. Blue Pearl smiled to this gesture, while Yellow Pearl rolled her eyes, but still smiled.

The Whitebound tribe was celebrating their victory by drinking, eating and singing songs. Everyone stopped what they were doing when Jon raised his liquor filled glass in the air and toasted for everyone who lost their life in the battle against the Mad Titan. Everyone held their glasses in the air and let out in unison "For everyone that lost their life!" .

Outside of Little Homeworld, a crowd of gems and humans gathered around a pile of sticks with a corpse of Shi'ra laying on it. Azurite, Jasper, Orange Pearl and Centi all held lightened up their torches as they walked to the pile, each of them taking different sides as they lit the pile up, before stepping back to the others.

Azurite watched with teary eyes as Shi'ra's corpse was engulfed in flames. Spinel grabbed his hand into hers as Jasper put her hand on his shoulder, the three of them mourning the loss of their roommate. Orange Pearl hung her head low in respect, and closed her eyes while Centi just stared at the burning corpse, paying respects for her friend.

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