Ungrateful Universe

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This shot of Cap facing Thanos' entire army by himself would make a great painting.


None of them had time to react when Thanos' warship unleashed missiles towards their base. One of the missiles hit the garden Scott was staring at just a second ago and the explosion would have surely killed Ant-Man if he didn't shrunk into microscopic size in the last second. Fortunely for him he was just knocked away by the impact of the explosion.

More and more missiles were unleashed at the Avengers headquarters, destroying the entirety of it's structure as the humans, gems, and aliens inside of it were taken by suprise by this sudden attack. The floor slided of as Rocket, Rhodes, Shi'ra, Banner, Jasper and Peridot hanged into it, but it was just a matter of time before they slided down inside of the rubble along with Clint and Amethyst as they fell through another hole that was made in the floor right into the depths of whatever was left of the Avenger headquarters.

When one last missile was sent at the headquarters, it caused a large explosion that damaged the water mains of the building.

Rocket, Rhodes, Shi'ra and Peridot were trapped underground while Jasper and Banner were doing their best to keep everything from falling on top of them. 

Some debris stuck on Rocket' chest as the talking raccon struggled to take it off, having trouble breathing, "I can't breathe. I can't breathe! I can't breathe!"

"Canopy. Canopy. Canopy!" Rhodey called out as he got out of his damaged War Machine suit.

Panicked breaths were leaving Peridot's mouth as she pressed her Arc Reactor and her Iron Gem armor disappeared from her body, the pieces of her broken visiors falling off her eyes to the ground. She glanced around herself and saw Shi'ra struggling to take a few metal pillars off her chest, gasping for a breath. The short green gem jumped back on her feet and made her way over to Shi'ra. She extended both of her hands and lifted the pillars off Shi'ra's chest.

The Kratai breathed in a deep breath, finally being able to breath again as she sent her a grateful nod, "Thanks."

Peridot just gave her a quick nod of her head in response, whispering to herself, in panic, "This is bad, this is bad..."

"Guys! Get outta here!" Banner shouted, keeping everything from falling on top of them with his good one hand.

"We don't know for how long we will be able to keep it up!" Jasper added, knowing it just matter of time before everything would fall on them.

Rocket turned his gaze towards Rhodes to see him picking up a pipe, with intention of freeing him from his prison, "Hurry up! Hurry up! Come on!"

Rhodes groaned as he used the pipe to lift the debris to take it off Rocket's chest, the raccoon telling him to hurry. Once Rocket was able to leave his prison, he instantly escaped from it. Rhodes panted tiredly, dropping the debris on the ground, as Shi'ra and Peridot approached him and Rocket.

Banner grunted, "Guys!"

"We can't hold it!" Jasper added.

Shi'ra, Rocket, Peridot and Rhodes turned towards them and all they could do was watch in horror as water started pouring into the area they were stuck in, completely engulfing them.

There was one thing that Scott Lang was aware of at this moment. That was extremely lucky to survive the blast when he shrunk down just second before the missiles struck the headquarters. 

He pushed himself out of the rubble when he heard James Rhodes voice in his comms, "Mayday, mayday! Does anybody copy? We're in the lower level, it's flooding!

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